In an unusual twist, Fort Philip (20) was involved in the scandal woman who took her dog to a butcher’s shop to have it slaughtered. The animal’s rescuer reports receiving threats from Ricardo’s sonwho is this person’s son-in-law.
It all started last Sunday when images of a woman entering a butcher’s shop in La Plata went viral and asked if they could slaughter his dog, with the excuse that it was old.
Faced with this situation, a group of animal rights activists in the area reported it and took the animal away.
Yesterday afternoon, at +Truth (LN+ a as 16), Ezequiel, the rescuer of the dog named Tobías, reported that Felipe Fort, the owner’s son-in-law, was threatening him.
“I have received many harassing messages from the woman’s son-in-law asking me to delete the publications, he is Felipe Fortson of Ricardo Fort,” the man revealed in conversation with Esteban Trebucq.
Regarding the content of those messages, the person who has custody of the animal today stated: “(Felipe) asks me to delete the publication, but I use it as evidence, “If I don’t show the reality of what we live, we won’t get anywhere, I can’t do anything.”

A little confused by the mention of the famous businessman’s son, the journalist asked the interviewee: “What does Felipe Fort have to do with this woman?” “He tells me this (the defendant) is a relative of the girlfriend, not his.”I reply to.
After this information was released, Felipe used his social media to post a defense about what happened and defend himself against the charges against him.
In a story on his Instagram profile, where more than 750 thousand people follow him, the son of the deceased entrepreneur explained: “What do I have to do with it? I did nothing, I do not defend and I repudiate what happened. I always get hurt. “I had nothing to do with it, I never had anything to do with it.”
“They went along with me when I found out the same day you did. And now they say I threaten people. I have the chats,” Felipe said.

In this sense he admitted having sent messages to the rescuer: “The only thing I said to this person (who said unpleasant things to me) was to remove the publication because the lady has a serious illness and is not of sound mind.”
Regarding the animal’s situation, Fort clarified: “The dog had already been rescued (which I agree with since you can’t have a dog without being in good condition).”
“I repeat, I repudiate what happened. Please, Don’t involve me in these things because it makes me feel bad, since I had nothing to do with it. “I’m tired of everything hitting me on the rebound, really, I feel very bad,” the young man defended himself.
Finally, he pointed to Ezequiel, who saved the dog: “As for the boy, what he did was very good, but to say that he threatened him is slander since I spoke to him with a lot of respect and I’m not going to let him go (I have the chats).”
What was the episode of the woman who wanted to slaughter her dog?
The unusual event occurred last Sunday in a butcher’s shop in La Plata, located at the intersection of 5th and 80th streets, where The owner of “Toto”, a Golden Retriever, surprised all the employees with the crazy idea of slaughtering her dog.
The owner explained that she wanted the fur, leather and meat removed to give it another use, given the animal’s advanced age.
It happened in La Plata and a group of protectionists protected the animal.
The rescuers learned of what had happened and They reported her to UFI Number 7 in La Platawho ordered protectionists to protect the pet and He opened a case against the woman for animal cruelty.
The animal was taken to the eighth police station in La Plata, where the woman also went to be informed of the animal cruelty case opened against her.

The dog is now under the protection of rescuer Ezequiel, who reported that the defendant’s son-in-law, Felipe Fort, would send him threatening messages asking him to delete the woman’s images from his networks.
Source: Clarin