Since the platforms of streaming, Piracy of series and films has decreased significantly. Despite the costs of the service, the accessibility to a massive offer and the quality of the image and sound were some of the factors that determined this change in habit.
At the same time, there is currently more control over the pages that filter content and it’s harder to reach them (at least without running the high risk of ending up with devices full of viruses).
A couple of years ago there was a wave of illegal posting of films on YouTube, especially dubbed ones, because the system that alerts you to copyright violations did not detect them at that time. But little by little they disappeared. However, No one imagined that this practice would become the direct predecessor of a much larger phenomenon..
In the last weeks, The new generations have reinvented the world of online piracy and started uploading full episodes of series on TikTok, the social network where initially you could only upload videos of up to 15 seconds. That margin has been progressively widened, and now The maximum allowed by the system is 10 minutes.

How does it work
Most of the series uploaded to TikTok in this way are the calls TV series (situation comedies) that do not exceed 40 minutes per episode. Therefore, users see each chapter divided into three or four parts. Each clip is in a playlist, then the user can see the next segment as soon as the current one ends without having to search for it, making viewing very convenient despite the cuts.
There are already thousands of accounts created exclusively for the publication of series and films, and also There are some dedicated to specific franchises or channels. One of the most popular is @disneyclassics. In her There are complete seasons of children’s television shows that were successful in the first decade of the 2000s..
Some of the most chosen by users are Hannah Montana, Jonas LA (the Jonas Brothers series) e Sunny among the stars. The curious thing is that probably the majority of children and teenagers consume content via TikTok He never watched these series, because when they were broadcast on the small screen they had not yet been born..

Also There are accounts dedicated to Nickelodeon series and, as happened in the golden decade of children’s television, the most chosen are Drake and Josh, Victorious AND icarly. These accounts have grown even more in recent weeks due to the launch of The dark side of childhood fame, the Discovery documentary that investigates the abuse that took place behind the scenes in those programs.
Why do you choose this medium?
“You’ve already lost a lot, come with me to see Toy Story 3”. This is the reason for most of these videos, which explains in a way why children and teenagers choose it. Nowadays, many children and teenagers only use TikTok for entertainment and sometimes get bored. scroll (move your finger across the screen). This new piracy has brought content into their online comfort zone.

What is striking when reading the comments on these posts is that many users admit to being registered on the platform. streaming where content posted on TikTok is viewed legally, but They choose to see it on social media because “it’s already there”.
The big question that arises seeing the accelerated growth of this phenomenon is: what are the copyright protection policies? which has TikTok, which unlike all other social networks does not delete these videos even if they have obvious titles and are one click away from all users.
Source: Clarin