Amid the wave of artists who have spoken out against the measures adopted by Javier Milei’s government, Narda Lepes (51) joined the criticism. In an interview, the cook said that, if she had to choose, I wouldn’t cook for the President.
Narda participated in a telephone dialogue with the radio program It could be worse (Radio 2), where they questioned him on various current topics. In one part of the interview, the driver, Juan Manuel Fontana, asked him about what Argentine chefs has come to an end on Public Television.
“What will I think? This is what they are doing in general. Everything we like is taken away, everything useful is broken.“, the cook began to say.
And he was against the government: “It seems like they have a plan, but I can’t understand it. We need to kick off elections next year, not now because you’re feeding the trolls.”
Instead, they asked her if, if necessary, she would be willing to cook for Javier Milei, and Narda replied that she would prefer not to.
“He has already said several times that he drinks soda and doesn’t care about food. I would rather cook for someone who likes to eat.“He already said he doesn’t like it,” he justified.

And he closed: “I have cooked for others, for presidents, who I don’t like. But it’s work, it’s what you have to do. But If I had to choose, I wouldn’t cook for him.”.
Narda Lepes and a phrase that went viral: “What cost me the most were the injuries of men in football”
A few days ago, Narda Lepes (51) became a trend on social networks for some statements made in one of Telefe’s streaming cycles.
In the program Hi youthe famous chef spoke to Andy Clar and Beta Suárez and sparked controversy by referring to the differences in the number of work licenses that their male and female workers require.
Narda was honest and explained that she had done some sort of “research”, with the help of her “long-time” accountant, to get statistics on the licenses she provided in her various gastronomic businesses.
The chef went viral for her statements about work licenses in her businesses.
According to what he said, he found that they were Male employees were the ones who took the most absences from work and this in most cases was the result of injuries suffered during football matches playing with their friends.
“I asked my accountant ‘can you analyze all the time off I’ve taken from work?’ All. And give me some statistics about it,’” Narda began.
And he developed the results obtained: “70% of the permits I gave were to men, sick leave, things like that, work permits, they were to men. 85% of these licenses are football injuries”.

“Of the 35% of women who asked for leave, 80% cared for someone. Priorities, right? “He said.
“Well, here are the ones who tell you ‘no, because they get pregnant, because I don’t know what.’ The problem is, The most expensive thing that has cost me in my professional life has been injuries in men’s football.”, he concluded, reflectively.
Now, in dialogue with Radio 2, he recounted his words: “We still hear ‘what happens is that they get pregnant’ and when you look at the facts it’s not like that. I tried. For my job, I don’t care about men and women.“.
Source: Clarin