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Carmen Barbieri revealed her tactics to prevent the Kirchnerists from doing the V for success when they took a photo with her

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Carmen Barbieri revealed her tactics to prevent the Kirchnerists from doing the V for success when they took a photo with her

Carmen Barbieri, against the typical Peronist gesture. TV Capture

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In the midst of the debate over the amusing statement of Susana Gimenez about the current political and economic situation in Argentina, Carmen Barbieri announced the unusual technique he uses to prevent the Kirchnerists from taking the V for success when they ask for a picture.

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In detail, Carmen ended up listening, on the air of her program, very morning (Ciudad Magazine, at 10), the diva’s recent sayings of phones about local governors and expressed her opinion on the matter.

“I’m not in favor of politicians or Susana. I’m listening to this topic and I am very in favor of her when she says something but not motivating people to take to the streets: a civil war. Are we all crazy? Are we going to grab punches among all? ”He began by saying.

And, after an explanatory comment from Pampito Perelló Aciar, a panelist on his program, he corrected himself. “It’s okay for people to march because they have to go first“.

Finished out of nowhere Stephanie Berardi He asked his partner to clarify what he said (something he also commented on Susana’s subject) because he made it sound like a “kirchnerista”. To which Carmen reacted and told the journalist: “Is this how you take your photo (with the Peronist symbol)?”

“Not me I did that because it was ‘love and peace’ and the K made the gesture, “the panelist replied. But the driver contradicted him:”It’s not ‘love and peace’, don’t come and tell me that. When they take a picture of me, my son says, I’m disgusting, but if the guy in the picture does that (for V for victory), I do it to me without saying (gestures), I lower my hand. “.

Carmen Barbieri and Pampito doing the Peronist symbol.  TV Capture

Carmen Barbieri and Pampito doing the Peronist symbol. TV Capture

I don’t like this (because of V for victory) and it doesn’t happen because anti K or K. I swear to my dad.“, Carmen explained.” And when they do it (with thumbs up) I do them like this (and repeat their tactic again) “, the former jury of ShowMatchas if to indicate that in reality he did not want them to take any action on the pictures so as not to be attached to any political stream.

Meanwhile, at the end of the debate over Susana’s statements, Federico Bal’s mother also wondered if Argentines would “vote again” for K.

Will people be aware?“, he consulted the air.”Which is your vote?“, Pampito cut him off then.”Oh I don’t knowBarbieri replied. “There’s nothing like people,” the panelist said. “Can you imagine (Javier) Milei? He’s a (Donald) Trump but no money,” the host said laughing.

The sayings of Susana Giménez

In the last hours, Susana Gimenez He was once again on everyone’s lips for his comments on the country’s socio-economic present. In detail, the driver gave a telephone interview from Punta del Este, Uruguay, to Baby Etchecopar, and criticized the Government.

“This cannot be, that the Constitution is not respected. Everyone thinks that something must happen. Last night I saw you putting together a kind of revolution. And yes, for people to stand up and say ‘no, enough is enough!’ I like that because I don’t see people like that.said Susan,

And followed: “What hurts me the most is insecurity, how come they kill people and nothing happens? It’s impossible, it’s unbelievable … “

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Source: Clarin

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