Luis Landriscina (86) received awards in The Morphine Stone (Telefe, Sunday at 11), a series hosted by Jey Mammon and Jésica Cirio.
The storyteller and humorist shared his perspective on the present in Argentina and took the time to remember his admired René Favalorowhich he referred to as “one of the men this country needs”.
“The country hurts me because I was not named. So, many young people know they have a country because they look at their DNI, but they don’t have a country “Landriscina pointed, moving.

Luis Landriscina, Jey Mammón holds hands in “La Peña de Morfi”. Get a TV.
“We haven’t explained to them what it costs to make this country and who made it. We’ve forgotten our heroes. We haven’t named them and we don’t feel the national anthems to honor them,” the humorist continued in his reflection.
For his part, highlighting something positive, he assured: “There is one thing that we achieve, which is that folklore is taught in the public schools of the country. By 2024, it will be in all provinces. “
Then, in one utterance, he concluded: “The person with the will never lacks work.”
After a one-on-one with Jey Mammón, Landriscina, with her friend Antonio Tarrago Ros and the conductor on the piano, he performed the classic “Eleuterio, un correntino de ley”.

Luis Landriscina: “The country hurts me for not being named.” Capture TV.
On social networks, Landriscina became trendy for her opinion on the current situation in Argentina and how her voice was affected to be heard.
He, a few hours ago, explained it: “In 2013 they operated on me for a cyst in my throat and they put hyaluronic acid on my strings. I’m learning to manage the air. Dysphonia is painful, a paradox of a person who has lived to speak. I assume how old I am. I try to do what the doctor tells me. “
another emotional moment
At the end of 2021, Landriscina visited Jey on her cycle on América TV, The Mammonsand also broken while making a touching statement.
Speaking about his career, the humorist said: “I’m thankful to God that he gave me the gift I have. All I do is do what he taught me.”
And he continued: “And I thank him for the life I have, even though the Landriscinas have problems. We love each other very much. Thank you to my brothers, my brother … and now I am left alone, the last Landriscina ”.
Very moved, Jey highlighted: “You are not alone. I have something to tell you, a phrase that someone told me recently that you knew him there: ‘I love you more than too much’. Thank you. “The driver’s words moved Landriscina, who took him by the hand, and hugged him and said:” Me too. “
Source: Clarin