Home Entertainment Lali Espósito, on kisses with Justina Bustos: published photos and then deleted them

Lali Espósito, on kisses with Justina Bustos: published photos and then deleted them

Lali Espósito, on kisses with Justina Bustos: published photos and then deleted them
Lali Espósito, on kisses with Justina Bustos: published photos and then deleted them

Lali Esposito and Justina Bustos, in kisses on the networks. Instagram.

Lali Esposito (30) Y Justina Bustos (33) They are best friends and they often show it on social networks. This time, the actresses shared a night out and They posted pictures of the kisses but eventually changed their mind and deleted them. What happened?

The ex Almost angels He arrived a few days ago from Madrid, where he hosted the Platino Awards gala and decided to meet Justina in Buenos Aires, who was recording. ATAV 2 (Argentina Land of Love and Vengeance) for Polka.

But the appointment went unnoticed by fans who, attentive to the artists ’networks, saw that They published very friendly photos together.

A few minutes after sharing the scenes, the actresses decided to delete them, but followers came to take screenshots eventually They went viral until they became a trend on networks.

Lali Espósito and Justina Bustos, together in networks.  Instagram.

Lali Espósito and Justina Bustos, together in networks. Instagram.

The friendship between the artists was forged at the end of 2020, in the midst of a pandemic, when Lali is in Spain and filming red of the sky, the series he stars in on Netflix. noonJustina had just arrived in Madrid after the shooting of the film Mother’s loveon the island of Mauritius, in Africa.

Notably Bustos has gone through severe emotional crisis since he was stranded in Mauritius for 33 days because he tested positive for Covid, so They left him isolated in a public hospital on that paradisiacal island.

The tender post about their relationship.

The tender post about their relationship.

“One day I called him on the phone and told him‘ Lali, I’m sad, I think it will help me a lot to have coffee with you and for you to give me a little strength ‘. That’s how it is, I go to her house and we start chatting, I tell her my experience and she tells me ‘Justina, you can’t be alone today, you stay here,’ “Bustos had said in an interview with the radio program street dogs (FM 104.3 Urban Play). Since that day, their relationship has become more intimate than ever.

On a round trip by Lali with her more than five million Instagram followers, they asked her what relationship bound her to Justina, to which she replied, who got her partner: “We’re in love aren’t we Jus?”

Photos of Lali and Justina were later deleted.  Instagram.

Photos of Lali and Justina were later deleted. Instagram.

Justina’s horrible experience in Mauritius

Regarding the experience that Justina had living in a hospital in Africa, she explained in the past: “From this moment on it seemed surreal to me. Confined on an island, in a hospital, to women with very particular life stories. I unconsciously registered everything to have an activity in there and not be alone thinking ”.

“I have no symptoms, I already have antibodies, I’m perfect. I was scared, they weren’t treating us, directly. The medical team changes every week, there is no relationship with them.

From those chilling days where she even said that she took medication to sleep, the actress decided to make a documentary with all the material she collected. “It’s about grief. It is a documentary of life which shows the frustration, illusion and the fragility of things. How fear paralyzes us ”, Justina said about her creation.


Source: Clarin


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