Valeria Lynch participates in paying tribute to Diego Armando Maradona at the Martín Fierro Awards.
“Hey, hey, hey, hey / Diego, Diegooooooooooooooo!”. The choir of 700 guests rang out like never before on Martín Fierro night at the Hilton.
This is, of course, a tribute to Diego Armando Maradona, included Valeria Lynch sang live a lively version of you give me more every day. Meanwhile, on the video wall, various moments of Diego joined the gala. And as a special ending, his son, Dieguito Fernando, is excited at his table with his mother, Verónica Ojeda.
The fun of Dieguito Fernando

Verónica Ojeda and Dieguito celebrate the tribute to Diego.
“All okeeeeeeeeeeeeennn!”euphoric, Dieguito Maradona – flawless in his blue and black appearance – shouts at Iván de Pineda, when he asks the child how he is preparing for a special evening at the Martin Fierro 2022 gala.

The arrival of Verónica Ojeda and Dieguito Fernando at the Hilton.
Was that one of the most anticipated moments of the night was the salute to be offered Diego Armando Maradona. So on the red carpet, Veronica Ojeda and Dieguito Fernando They looked excited and looking forward before the consultations of Paula Chaves and Ivan de Pineda.

Claudia Villafañe’s sentiments to pay tribute to Diego Maradona at the Martín Fierro Awards 2022.
Although El Diez has not participated in any programs in recent years, Luis Ventura, president of APTRA, decided to prepare a tribute in his memory in this editionthe first face-to-face since the player’s death.
But in Maradona’s case, even tonight, and faced with a salute, the controversy can’t be missed … In fact, those who can’t attend the Hilton Hotel will Dalma and Giannina, his eldest daughters, are clearly at odds with Luis Ventura.

The “Diegoooooo, Diegooooooooo!” he took over the gala at the Hilton.
Instead, we’ll see Diego’s ex, Claudia Villafañeas a figure specially invited by Telefe, as the winner of the first edition of Master Chef Celebrity.
Source: Clarin