A spicy statement by Lizy Tagliani’s original Leo Alturria about the driver’s new courtship

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Leo ArturiaThe former Lizy TaglianiProvided a note he talked about his two-year relationship with the last great driver scandal Among other topics after the dissolution and her new boyfriend. And when he learned what he said, Telefe’s appearance reacted ironically.

In detail, a young man who was in charge of the consortium and was a former rugby player was surprised by the camera. View partners (El Trece, 11) And instead of avoiding the flash, he provided a note and agreed to answer everything.

First of all, Alturia started by saying:Separation with Lizy caused a fussLater, after crossing the bowling alley path, it became clear that there was a quillombo, but none of that was true.

“I was told I grabbed her arm and shook her and said,’Che, you changed me very quickly,’ but that wasn’t the case. I have never asked him if he became a girlfriend and how fast it was. I was a little surprised that she soon fell in love with another boy, but “again, the actress’s ex-boyfriend said.

Leo Alturria talked to "the show

Leo Alturria talked to “the show’s partner”. TV capture

“If it’s good for her, it seems perfect to me. I don’t know how she deals with the problem of coexistence because a boy who I think is from Mendoza lives and works here. I believe. No. Long-distance love, “he continued. Leo.

And he concluded that:I always miss her They are the two years of courtship we had a great time with and we will never forget them.

“”Do you regret leaving?“The cycle recorder, led by Adrian Parales and Rodrigo Lucic, asked him.” No, to be honest, It was a relationship that did not progress“The media replied.

After the statement, Tagliani was surprised by the camera View partners Leaving the theater, I was consulted about her brand new courtship with a young man from Mendoza. Sebastian Nebot“Everything is fine and I’m very lucky to be lucky. He’s looking at what projects he needs to work on (if he settles here in Buenos Aires).”

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Source: Clarin

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