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Rossio Marengo’s harsh message: “No baby on the way”

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Rossio Marengo's harsh message:

Rossio Marengo talked about her painful moments.

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Through a message on his Instagram account Dumarengo She made a painful announcement in connection with her desire to be a mother.

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“Oh, I don’t know what to say. What do you say? What words do you use …”Started writing media in his publication.

And he elaborated: There is no baby on the way. “

“I would like to thank them for the love, respect and support they have given me from the moment I make the decision. Family, friends, my doctor, and his entire team … I felt very loved, cared for, and contained! Everyone who was part of this little road, I would choose them 1000 times again, “Marengo said in pure pain.

Publication of Rossio Marengo. Instagram.

Publication of Rossio Marengo. Instagram.

“When there are a lot of girls who want to be mothers and they can’t reach their goals in a natural way, it’s good to know that they rely on science to fulfill their desires. The road is often long … Do not lower your arms! Lots of emotions … “he said.

“I put my body, mind, and mind. I’m sad, but I was very happy to fight for my wishes! All my love for you! “Closed Marengo.

Deep desire

On her social network, the media showed some of the steps taken to realize her dream of becoming a single mother, despite her relationship with businessman Eduardo Fort. “I do it in vitro. Obviously in my belly. No one cares for a baby like me. Fortunately I can do it. So I’m excited “She said. ClarionWithout going into the details, who the donor is, or the gender of the baby.

“I’m looking for it, and I’m doing very well … but there are still some basic steps,” he pointed out from pure hope.

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Source: Clarin

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