Etchecopar also assured that his lawyer is working on a letter he will send to an association of journalists who have repudiated his attitude.
After tremendous crossing Enter Etchecopar child Y Cristina Perezin the radio pass that until this Tuesday both have shared on Rivadavia radio, the always controversial pilot spoke of the strong struggle with his colleague and asked the association of journalists who questioned him to “correct themselves”.
In detail, the presenter of Child in the middle He was extremely angry at a comment from the reporter, who disagreed with him and contradicted him on the air, for which he accused her of being a bad companion, got up from his chair and left her to talk to herself .
“We were talking about the girls from La Cámpora who have reached public positions and Cristina says ‘I don’t go into people’s beds’ and I never said that, I was jumping off a train … is that nothing more and I made it clear to him “, the guest of pretty baby (A24, at 23) in dialogue with a cell phone a intruders (America, at 1:30 pm).
And he clarified: “I don’t like that they put words in my mouth that I don’t say … I said what she said was a bad companion and I sent her to do journalism because if you are going to play, jump into the pool. If a couple raises a topic, follow them a little, accompany them a few meters “.
“It’s okay, tomorrow (for this Wednesday) we’ll make the pass. She’s a good companion. It wasn’t a problem that worried me … In this environment you shouldn’t be surprised, here you have to row together“He added at another time on the cell phone in which he also said that when he got up from his chair and left his radio studio he went to eat” sánguches “.

Baby Etchecopar on a cellphone for “Intruders”. Capture TV
“Three times on the air it left me like I was saying something terrible and I don’t think it’s terrible, it’s journalism …“He concluded, lowering the tone of his words on the air after arguing with Cristina.
Is that, a few minutes earlier, more precisely after crossing with Pérez for his statements on Luana Volnovich, current head of PAMI, and Mayra Mendoza, mayor of Quilmes, both leaders of La Cámpora, made a strong statement in his program .
“That lightness, that cowardice, that of wanting to be but you are not, bothers me. If you are, I know and if not, dedicate yourself to sharing cooking recipes. It happens to me today, I come so sometimes you say ‘I can’t take it anymore’, until one day you just can’t take it anymore. I have that misfortune “, Etchecopar began referring to the return trip with his couple.
“One day I say ‘enough’ and it’s over. I will never tell you that I am very sexy, but you have to realize it because I give you some signs that I am very hot, “he continued, visibly angry.
And he closed, furious: «When someone leaves his profession aside and becomes a citizen and says ‘that’s enough, you have to defend me, you don’t have to throw me off the train’. If you have so many balls, do it to the politicians and I don’t even like that they twist things. So for that, sorry for the bad timing but that was to be expected. I don’t usually react like it just happened, but it tired me out. ”

The tense transition between Cristina Pérez and Baby Etchecopar.
Meanwhile, hours later, on air on his A24 program, he spoke about the statement they made against him. “I hope that if they are journalists and that efficient they correct themselves. Maybe they are used to changing the image of the news. I’ve never talked about beds, I’ve talked about politicians’ favorites, which cost us 20 schools, 50 vaccines“, has indicated.
“Before submitting declarations of dismissal, take a look at what the text was. They can’t blame me for something I didn’t say. My attorney is preparing a letter that I hope they will reply to, “she said.
It is worth clarifying that in the aforementioned discussion, Baby told Cristina that she was “not a good companion” and that she “shit everything”. “I don’t shit everything, Baby“, replied the reporter.”It’s not the first time, Cristina … I love you so much“, tried to expand the driver.
“I don’t get pissed at who people sleep, sorry, but I don’t get pissed at who people sleep“, he said.” Let me finish, I’m talking about La Cámpora. I didn’t say go to bed, I asked if they were friendscollusion of some, put with the finger as happens in this environment “, clarified Etchecopar.
Source: Clarin