Last Sunday he returned to the small screen PPT (El Trece), the cycle that leads Giorgio Lanata, and in a humorous political skit, he targeted directly Florence Pena and its new program, the whore loves (America, at 10:10 pm)
“Will the plane crash as in the Florencia Peña program?”ironized one of his comedians in one of the jokes that were made in the aforementioned sketch.
The truth is that now, consulted by show partner (El Trece, aged 11), the actress downplayed the issue and responded to the criticisms received with the same gesture that Susana Giménez made to Jorge Rial days ago: a fuck off.
“Those rabbits are boiling my rabbit all the time.. I’ll do like Susana: trial, trial. Document letter. So, look, “replied the actress and made the controversial gesture in front of the camera.

This is how Flor Peña responded to Jorge Lanata after the joke they made about his program on “PPT”. Capture TV
“I have not seen anything. I have no bad vibes, I am not interested in bad vibes. If someone needs to take care of me so badly, it’s because they have a problem. Talk more about him than about me. I will not really deal with it, “Peña then pointed out.
And he assured that he was not aware of the joke that had been made in the cycle that leads the journalist: “I don’t see the Lanata program”.
In early May, after the premiere of the whore lovesthe driver had destroyed Peña on his radio show Wool without filter (Radio Miter), where he went so far as to say that when he saw it he was “embarrassed”.

Peña spoke with “Partners of the show”. Capture TV
A little less than a month ago, Flor also replied to Jorge in front of the cameras Show partner: “When criticism comes with that level of virulence, I don’t understand it. It comes from whoever it comes from. And less from people who occupy important positions in communication.. You want to criticize me, you don’t like what I do, you think it’s shit, do it with height. Do not lower me, because this lowers you “.
On the other hand, on this occasion, Flor talked about the process of starting a comedy program and was pleased with the results so far: “Comedy programs need time”.
“I always think and when I go back and see successful programs are believed to have been successful from day one. And many of them, of which I was a part, had their time to meet. The important thing is that good things happen to me with the program. People get back, very intelligent people who are fanatics. The guests are having fun and none of them leave angry, “she explained.
Finally, the actress stated that she has already confirmed the date of her marriage with Ramiro Ponce de León: “I’m going to have a double wedding. Claudia Villafañe will be the wedding planner. I’m getting married on November 19th: the first wedding will be in Salta. We see the second when, but it will be in Buenos Aires “.
“The godparents are definitely close to the family. Marley may be the godfather, but he will go to the World Cup. You saw he is a huge football fan … And I want to go a week to encourage the national team,” he said detailed about his plans.
Source: Clarin