Home Entertainment Kim Kardashian, dressed as Marilyn Monroe, directly at the museum of oddities

Kim Kardashian, dressed as Marilyn Monroe, directly at the museum of oddities

Kim Kardashian, dressed as Marilyn Monroe, directly at the museum of oddities

Kim Kardashian, dressed as Marilyn Monroe, directly at the museum of oddities

Kim Kardashian and her partner Pete Davidson, at the Met Gala 2022, in which she wore the famous Marilyn dress. AFP photo

At first glance, we could resort to Moria’s famous phrase and say that Kim Kardashian attacked Marilyn Monroe.

Despite in these times of cross promotions, it must be said that at the entrance of Ripley’s Museum believe it or not, in one of the most iconic corners of Hollywood, with the stars of Jay Leno and Ozzy Osbourne on the sidewalk, the promotion for enter see the golden dress Marilyn wore to sing Happy Birthday to President John F Kennedy on May 19, 1962 is advertised as Chance to see Kim Kardashian’s dress worn at the 2022 Met Gala“.

Fans of the businesswoman will say justice is done. However, this is not the type of visitor that most often goes to the museum, filled with tourists strolling Hollywood Boulevard now that summer begins, many from within the country and who have no idea what the fashion gala is all about. Museum approx. New York subway.

Kim Kardashian and Marilyn Monroe's dress at the museum

Kim Kardashian and Marilyn Monroe’s dress at Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum in Hollywood

believe it or not

The museum is dedicated to oddities or rarity, which the adventurer began to collect around the world Robert Ripley during the last century. Next to the second pavilion dedicated to Marilyn (there is another one in homage to Star Wars), comes a reminder to Indiana Jones, who has a head reduced by the jíbaro.

In the past, Ripley’s curiosities came in comic format. “Believe it or not,” the phrase has stuck and is one of his great discoveries.

In the video in which she recounts the entire epic that led her to wear Marilyn’s dress on May 2 at the Met gala, Kim Kardashian refrains from saying that sentence, but appears ecstatic, explaining how she came up with the idea “Why There is nothing more American than Marilyn Monroe.And how he got them to lend it to him.

Marilyn Monroe, with the dress in which she sang happy birthday to JF.  Kennedy and that Kim Kardashian wore to the Met Gala.

Marilyn Monroe, with the dress in which she sang happy birthday to JF. Kennedy and that Kim Kardashian wore to the Met Gala.

I count that she cried the first time she tried it and it didn’t fit. Months later she went to try it at the Ripley Museum in Orlando, where it is based, and it suited him well.

With a “pinch me” face, he says the 14 hours it took stylists to platinum his dark hair, the diet to keep it fit, not being able to use sunscreen or anything that stains it, and the difficulty of scaling it. famous stairs didn’t matter.

So much sacrifice was worth those 5 minutes that changed his life, apparently. “I don’t like to make comparisons”, she hears her being told on TV that she is in a shop window with the accessories with which she has enriched the look for which Vogue has applauded her. Believe it or not.

Marilyn Monroe's dress, exhibited at the museum

Marilyn Monroe’s dress on display at Ripley’s Believe It Or Not museum in Hollywood.

The theme of the 2022 gala was the golden years in the United States, the 20s, 30s, where excess had to be fashionable. “There is nothing more iconic in the United States than Marilyn Monroe,” recalls media thinking. and what else dressed what he used to entertain the president of the country, who was said (almost certainly) to be his lover.

Kim doesn’t get into trouble, she just makes it clear that she doesn’t want to confront each other, but that she felt identified using him and that she is sure that Marilyn would have loved all the glamor of that afternooneven though Kim’s boyfriend, comedian Pete Davidson, had to help her up all those steps because the dress was too tight and couldn’t be undone.

It cost Marilyn $ 1,440, but the Museum paid $ 4,800,000 for it. at auction, and this is a Guinness Book of Records.

Kim Kardashian and the commercial with the Marilyn Monroe dress, for the museum

Kim Kardashian and the commercial with the Marilyn Monroe dress, for the “Ripley’s Believe it or not” museum in Hollywood.

tables for posterity

“Those photos will last forever,” Kim Kardashian feels with her successful marketing vision that made her a billionaire, even though the only thing she wanted to grow up, as she recently said in a TV interview, was become famous. Today, like never before, fame pays off.

It is not clear what Marilyn wanted, it is only appreciated that it shone a lot and was gone very soonthey continually try to explain it in documentaries such as what can now be seen on Netflix, The Unpublished Interviews, based on revelations of his surroundings to an Irish journalist who wanted to decipher his dubious death.

Marilyn Monroe sang happy birthday to JF.  Kennedy, with the dress Kim Kardashian now wore.  photo EFE

Marilyn Monroe sang happy birthday to JF. Kennedy, with the dress Kim Kardashian now wore. photo EFE

It’s a mistake they lent the dress to Kim Kardashianno one but Marilyn should have worn it, “says designer Bob Mackie, who had just finished college when asked to make a sketch of that dress for the diva, with 6000 crystals. The sketch it is displayed alongside Kim’s dress and video in the museum.

“Those photos will last forever.” And it will also give Pete Davidson, a casual couple, a little more bizarre fame. The truth is, Marilyn doesn’t need more promotions. On August 4, on the 60th anniversary of his death, his fans will go as usual to impress a colorful kiss on his grave in Los Angeles.


Source: Clarin


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