After going through a turbulent 2021, bet on love again, addressing press harassment and permanently avoiding scandalous rumors about their relationship, Marengo Dew Y Edoardo Forte They have decided to take the next step and, according to Pía Shaw, they will get married in the coming months.
The scoop was released on Tuesday evening, thanks to the speaker from THEY (America, 20 years old), who for the whole program in question kept the identities of the two celebrities secret who will go to the registry office at the end of the year or at the beginning of the next.
In detail, there were only a few minutes to the end of the cycle led by Ángel de Brito when Pía revealed the enigmatic date and euphorically assured: “Eduardo Fort and Rocío Marengo get married !!“.
“This happened at an event last night (for this Monday). He already tells all his friends. They want (the wedding) to be in November or early in the year, it depends on their work commitments, “the reporter said.
“November or January. November because I’m going on vacation in January “, interrupted Ángel, with humor, about her possible invitation to the ceremony which will certainly be attended by many celebrities and businessmen, as well as the family of the remembered Ricardo Fort, brother of the future boyfriend.

Rocío Marengo and Eduardo Fort together with Ricardo’s children, Martita and Felipe, after announcing the good news. Capture TV
“This (due to the announcement) took place last night in a meeting where, laughing they began to announce it to the family, which is likely to be very, very soon. Today I asked him about this version that came to me and he replied “you already know me”, as if I said “ahhh”. In other words, she has not proven me wrong, “added Pía in front of the cameras.
And while showing screenshots of two posts Eduardo uploaded to his Instagram account on Monday night, Ángel explained: “This is the story he uploaded yesterday with the kids (for Marta Y Filippo ForteRicardo’s sons) and they had this meaning even if they didn’t put it ”.
In the images, in which he also appeared, Marisa Lopezthe nanny of deceased media children and who permanently accompanies them after the suicide of Gustavo Martinezthe happy couple could be seen very smiling and animated.
“What if she keeps trying to have a baby?“asked Yanina Latorre in clear reference to in vitro fertilization treatment the model recently underwent to get pregnant. “Over there now yes, here everything can change, everything is minute by minuteDe Brito said.

Rocío and Eduardo at the latest parties. Photo: Instagram
That’s what, for those who don’t remember, weeks ago Rocío announced that she would start the treatment to become a mother and although she made it clear that Eduardo supported her in her desire, she was determined that she would be a single mother.
“I want to be happy without disturbing anyone. My desire is to be a mother and perhaps it is not to bond with a man to be the father of my child. What I want from the partner I have at my side is to be united by love and not by the project of having had a child “, the guest also began, communicating the news.
And I add: “I feel that alone I can and that I don’t need to tie myself up. This is what I feel today, maybe later, I am given another situation and I decide to have it as a project together … I understand that if I were a mom, Edu would be at the foot of the canyon next to me, accompanying me in anything. Obviously in her own way because she is very special, but I feel that if I were a mom, she would be by my side. “

Rocío underwent in vitro fertilization to become a mother.
Weeks after these statements Marengo began the treatment in question, but the first results were not what he expected. “Well, I prefer to face the situation alone and tell it for the only time. no baby coming“were the first words of the lookout.
And he closed: “It was nice to know that there are so many girls who want to be mothers and so on when we do not achieve our goal with natural procedures, we resort to science to satisfy our desire. The road is often long … We must not lower our arms! So many emotions … I put my body, my mind and my heart into it. I am sad but I was very happy to try and fight for my wish! All my love for you! “
Source: Clarin