Home Entertainment Josefina Pouso told the intimacy of her love story with Jorge Rial: who faced whom, where was the first date and her idea of ​​free love

Josefina Pouso told the intimacy of her love story with Jorge Rial: who faced whom, where was the first date and her idea of ​​free love

Josefina Pouso told the intimacy of her love story with Jorge Rial: who faced whom, where was the first date and her idea of ​​free love

Giuseppina Pouso was the big host this monday to at Barbarossa (Telefe, 9.30), the new television program by Georgina Barbarossa after the end of team flowerwhich for the past three months has been managed by Denise Dumas.

And, as expected, everything his interview focused on his incipient deal with Jorge Rialthat in October of last year, despite the news being known later, she separated from Romina Pereiro after three years of marriage and two of boyfriends, amid strong rumors of infidelity.

The truth is that Pouso got into this new chapter of Rial’s love life a few months ago and only gained notoriety in the media when Yanina Latorre announced the scoop THEY (America, 20 years old), two weeks ago, with photos of lovebirds traveling to Madrid.

I’ve talked to him before, but beforefor everything he had been through, his personal situation, all the messes with his daughter and at some point I talked to him, I sent him a message of support that he stayed there …“, began by saying the model and speaker in the first program of at Barbarossa.

Josefina Pouso talked about her relationship with Jorge Rial in "A la Barbarossa".  Capture TV

Josefina Pouso talked about her relationship with Jorge Rial in “A la Barbarossa”. Capture TV

And he continued: “Everyone has come out to say ‘how are you going to date a guy who killed you and went out saying barbarism on television?’that was true … took me out of a cellphone because when Jasmine (De Grazia) died, I criticized one of her reporters for saying one outrage after another “.

“And when the Pettinato case came out, I went back to intruders And I say: ‘You were very mean to me, you mistreated me, you did this …‘and asked for forgiveness on the air. that’s when I said ‘this boy might change a little’ and a couple of months ago I see him starting to follow me (on Instagram), “he revealed.

Then, the model told how the romance began and explained why she doesn’t want to engage with the reporter. “The first like it i went to take a picture with my daughters … then the interactions started and that’s when we started talking“, He recognized in front of the cameras.

Also, Josefina recalled a night she left the recording intractable (America) and “the conversation got deep”. “We were chatting via Instagram message and I told him “What if we continue this conversation in a bar?”“, commented.

Immediately after, always according to the sayings of Pouso, the now “friends with rights” went “to eat after the radio” and were “five hours to talk”. “Later we met for coffee on other occasions,” added the speaker.

He’s not my boyfriend, don’t marry anyone because I don’t have the candidate and don’t want a relationship with anyone: I’m here, I have fun, I go there, I have a lot of fun and then I stay at home “, he specified in another point of the interview.

Josefina Pouso described her relationship with

Josefina Pouso described her relationship with the former “Intruders” host as “friend with rights”. Capture TV

“But he lets you go over there and have fun? I don’t think so,” Barbarossa interrupted. “If you want to be with me, save the fluff, That’s it. But it’s not even for a relationship, “Josefina replied.

The model also described the driver as a “gentleman”, and assured that in Europe they coincided by chance, that he invited her to see the Rolling Stones and she told him, in the first instance, no.

“I hated him. I’ll be honest, when he got married to Agustina (Kämpfer) I said ‘DoWhy is it with this man who was detestable to me?‘and later when she became engaged to Roman and married was good ‘obviously this guy could change a bit and not be so terrible‘”, Be honest.

And of the statements of Pereiro, who assured him your ex could have been more careful Before talking about her new romance because she didn’t have time “to prepare the girls” for her daughters, Josefina said: “The reality is that there was nothing to say I didn’t even go and tell my daughters ‘look, mom …’.

At the end of the note, Pouso said that Rial can date “whoever he wants”, revealing: “For me, monogamy no longer exists, they have betrayed me so many times that they no longer catch me … “. Meanwhile, at the same time, he assured: “Jorge is back, he doesn’t mess with nonsense and I’m tired of boys hysteria so I love it“.


Source: Clarin


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