Ricardo Montaner, to Zoe “You have to work hard to tune in and focus.” Capture the TV.
Zoe’s many out of tune in interpreting the Beatles theme have not gone unnoticed by the coaches. In fact, none of them turned her chair around to invite her to join their team.
When speaking with her, Ricardo Montaner began by saying: “I love the song until the chorus begins, so it’s like it’s not related”, Which also made a lot of noise on Twitter, and pointed out to Zoe her difficulties with tuning.
Zoe Tremsal, 21, in La Voz in Argentina. She catches the TV.
Later, Lali asked the attendee to sing a few more songs. Then, Zoe sang a fragment of “Alfonsina e il mare”. And he failed to tune in from start to finish. At that point, Ricardo Montaner has made a return that is as hard as it is sincere.
“It’s really serious, you have to work hard to tune in and focus”, The singer-songwriter warned the young woman who had never sung on stage before. She then explained that there are “two ways to be in tune”: the one that is naturally in tune and doesn’t need to think about it while she sings, and the one that needs to be focused to stay in tune.
Since Zoe was able to tune in at certain moments of her performance, Ricardo Montaner felt that if she focuses, she will be able to do it during a full theme. But, of course, taking into account that she has not been able to do so until now, she has not been incorporated The Argentine voice.
Ricardo Montaner’s criticism of the participant had an immediate echo on Twitter Capture TV.
The reaction on Twitter
The hard and honest return that Ricardo Montaner made him The Argentine voice to Zoe Tremsal about her lack of tuning had an immediate echo on Twitter.
The coach’s words caused a real sensation on social media where his surname was in fashion last night.
As an example of what was thought about the Argentine-Venezuelan singer-songwriter’s criticism of the young participant, here are some tweets:
Source: Clarin