El Duki with the Spanish fan who surprised everyone with his story.
Devotion to Duki on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean it knows no logic or reasoning. It so happens that, as it turned out in a fantastic Twitter thread that went viral, a Spanish fan of the Argentine ragpicker allegedly escaped from the hospital to go to his concert and, after an odyssey that would last more than 24 hours, she ended up meeting him.
“Explain how I escaped from the hospital and ended up meeting Duki”were the words that Adrián Mesejo, a teenager from Galicia, Spain, used in the aforementioned social network to advertise his hilarious story that took place last week in the city of Santiago de Compostela.
“I put you in a situation. Friday (June 17). 4 pm. O Son do Camiño (the musical event where the ragpicker performed). After months of waiting for that moment, he was finally about to see Duko, poor fool. Two cardboard wine bottles and several shots. The security guard (security) does not let me in and the first falls immediately “, she began the story of her.
And he continued: “6:00 pm. Justin Quiles leaves and everything is fine, but the first slips have already been observed. 7:00 pm. The alcohol knocked me down, but Andrés (a friend) came to get me. The curb (path cordon) was lurking and a blurry future awaited me. Bites of tragedy“.
According to Adrián, as early as 20:00 he felt that the ground was “moving faster” than his feet and that the asphalt was “getting closer” to his face. As far as Suddenly he saw everything black and can no longer remember anything. Then he reconstructed those hours through the history of third parties.

Duki’s fan is treated by his friends after hitting himself and missing the recital.
“I was dying on the ground, full of dirt outside and alcohol inside. Dand suddenly a river of blood ran down my foreheadat the time I was closer to XXXTentacion (an American rapper who died in 2018) than to Duki …. My friends froze …“In detail, the fan of the interpreter born in Almagro.
Also according to his tweets, one of his friends “He started screaming like crazy that he was dead and a medical student walked over and also a festival organizer who complains that today’s young people do a lot of drugs ”. “But I haven’t touched an ounce in my life, mate,” the boy clarified.
“20:15. I wake up in the ambulance on my way to the hospital, my dream of seeing Duki vanish. I cry disconsolately and I try to escape. They tie me up and celery me like a wild animal. I fall asleep screaming ‘let me go, I want to see Duko’. 21:30 After hard negotiations with the nurse, I decide that the best option is to escape. “assured in its incredible history.

Duki’s fan on the run from the hospital.
And he expressed: “My health is important, but Duki more. With the gown still on and the sheet scarf, I take advantage of an oversight from the nurse and run as if there was no tomorrow. Arrive at a basketball court. There, two girls, after trying to take me back to the hospital, agree to take me to the nearest bus stop. My return was closer. “
“The driver worries about me, he also asks for my number to ask me later if I got there well. He leaves me at the station, there I meet 4 other very nice (nice) girls who helped me to take (take) the right bus and you get to Monte do Gozo (where the festival took place), “continued Mesejo.
The truth is that, judging by his words, by now his friends thought he was dead, so he decided to see Anuel’s concert with two of those young women and “he was happy on the outside but broken on the inside”.

The Duki fan walking after returning to the festival to see the Duki and having lost him.
“I was back but I missed the Duko. People looked at me strangely, but my friends looked at me even stranger when they saw me appear with the sheet in one hand and the robe in the other. He wasn’t dead, he was celebrating, “the story continued.
“On the way home I bet with one of my friends to go back with my scrub on and ask where the hospital is. People kept looking at me and asking me what had happened. The night was over and my private nurse did the care for meHis face hurt, but it made a lot of people laugh. I hope to be as happy as they are, but I kept thinking about him, Mauro Ezequiel Lombardo Quiroga “, Duki’s Spanish fan was honest.
The truth is, hours later, “think and don’t be drunk or sedated” Adrián decided to “go to the hospital to apologize” for escaping.
“I didn’t know what fate had in store for me, something very big was about to happen to me … On the way to the hospital my friend Mario stops, throws his bags on the ground and shouts ‘AND A FUCK!’ I turn my head and we both freeze. There was. Duki appeared in front of us as if it were a miracle, “recalled the teenager.
“Only Diego (another of his friends) dared to move and approached him so friendly to ask him for a picture and got up so kindly from the terrace where he was having a drink. He was more nervous than a cow in the slaughterhouse. I hadn’t seen him sing, but Duki had blessed me. At that moment I would not have changed anything of what had happened, but fate had one last surprise in store for me “, he continued.
“After the visit to the hospital we went to enjoy Son (the festival lasted three days), already in a cloud after seeing Duki. Nicki Nicole sang and started playing Already left. Suddenly a familiar voice began to sing. And no, it wasn’t Nicki. He was the Duke. My dream of seeing him sing live had come true. Not even opening my face could break my dream. So far the thread, heartfelt thanks to those who read it, to those who managed to make it breathe again, but above all to Duki “, closed the teenager.
Source: Clarin