Andrea sang with such emotion in La Voz Argentina that Soledad Pastorutti warned that it brought great pain

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On La Voz Argentina (Telefe, Monday to Thursday, at 10pm; Sunday, at 10.30pm), Andrea Guasch sang “Confeso”, by Kany Garcia, with such feeling that Soledad Pastorutti suspected there was a story behind the choice of that theme. And indeed it was. There was a story as real as it was sad: her mother died of Covid and she couldn’t fire her.

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Andrea is 24 years old. She is originally from Paraguay and lives in Argentina, in the municipality of Tres de Febrero, province of Buenos Aires.

The young woman came to Argentina very young, just finished high school, with the aim of studying singing and devoting herself to music. She settled in the house of a marriage friend of her mother. His mother and sisters remained in her country.

Andrea Guasch, in La Voz Argentina.  Capture the TV.

Andrea Guasch, in La Voz Argentina. Capture the TV.

It was her mother who awakened her vocation for the artistic world. “My mother was a teacher, she was an arts teacher. In fact, she instilled music in me, singing, ”said the young woman before taking the stage to face the audition blindly.

As she herself explained, Andrea was only 5 when her mother needed to make a presentation to graduate as a teacher and asked her if she dared to sing with her. She taught her a popular song and since then she knew Andrea that she would never stop singing.

His mother died last year, from Covid, in Paraguay, while Andrea was in Argentina. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, she had no way to travel to fire her.

Andrea Guasch: "When my mother died I couldn

Andrea Guasch: “When my mother died I couldn’t fire her because we were in a pandemic and with closed borders”. Capture the TV.

With all the sadness in tow, Andrea Guasch detailed: “Now my two younger sisters are at my house. C.When my mother died, I couldn’t fire her because we were in a pandemic, the borders were closed . I was only able to travel a month later. “

The intuition of La Sole

Then came the most awaited and most feared moment by all the participants The Argentine voice: to go up on stage and audition blindly.

So Andrea Guasch interpreted “Confeso”, by Kany García, before listening attentively to the coaches of the match: Ricardo Montaner, Soledad Pastorutti, Mau and Ricky, Lali Espósito.

Lali Espósito, listening to Andrea Guasch singing on La Voz Argentina.  Capture the TV.

Lali Espósito, listening to Andrea Guasch singing on La Voz Argentina. Capture the TV.

As soon as the participant started singing, the jury noticed that she did it with great mastery of her voice and, moreover, with enormous emotion. Those who turned their chairs to offer Andrea to join their respective teams were Soledad Pastorutti, Mau y Ricky and Lali Espósito.

Speaking with Andrea, La Sole asked her a question that came from her own intuition. The coach had noticed that the young woman interpreted the song with such a feeling that one could guess the existence of a personal pain expressed in the words of others.

Then he asked why he chose that topic. Andrea then replied that he had dedicated it to the memory of his mother and explained the circumstances in which her mother died and the pain she still feels today for not even being able to say hello.

Andrea Guasch decided to join the La Sole team in La Voz Argentina.  Capture the TV.

Andrea Guasch decided to join the La Sole team in La Voz Argentina. Capture the TV.

All the coaches had words of comfort and encouragement for Andrea. And as for the contest, given the choice between three teams, the participant decided to join the La Sole team.


Source: Clarin

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