Home Entertainment Follow the crossroads: Amalia Granata responds to Inés Estévez

Follow the crossroads: Amalia Granata responds to Inés Estévez

Follow the crossroads: Amalia Granata responds to Inés Estévez
Follow the crossroads: Amalia Granata responds to Inés Estévez

Amalia Granata replied to Inés Estévez.

The back and forth in between Amalia Granata and L-Ghent has risen to a level that other people like Ines Estevez. The actress destroyed the provincial deputy and she responded unfiltered.

“The feminist. These mamarrachas drop history”shot Amalia on her Twitter account along with the news of Clarione in which he recounted what Estévez had published.

It is that a few hours earlier, the actress had shared a broken image in which she quoted another note from this newspaper in which he dismissed Grenade for his past.

Amalia Granata's tweet against Inés Estévez.  Twitter.

Amalia Granata’s tweet against Inés Estévez. Twitter.

In detail, Inés showed the note entitled “Amalia Granata has liquidated L-Ghent: ‘He is an emerging from a declining society'”. And basically he put a screenshot of when the deputy was on a TV show showing the underwear she wore the night she had an affair Robbie Williams.

“These are the panties I wore with Robbie,” says the picture. Plus, he added the acronym “SNM”, written by Charly García, which means “say no more”.

Inés Estévez's post against Amalia Granata.

Inés Estévez’s post against Amalia Granata.

The origin of the scandal

It all started when L-Ghent received recognition for its contribution to culture. “The Deco Color SRL company awards this mention to L-Ghent in recognition of the commitment and perseverance in music and culture”Says the plaque that the singer has in his house.

So, Amalia came out to criticize him and said: “That they give him recognition for his contribution to culture seems a bit too much to me.”

“I don’t like what he does, perhaps due to a generational problem, but the artist himself is José Luis Perales, Luis Miguel. Stop fucking with me, the word “artist” is too big for you!“, he has declared.

And then he added: “I don’t think these guys are artists for me they are emerging from a declining society ”.

When he found out, L-Gante responded with a video putting some humor on the subject. “If Amalia was angry because she found that they gave me a distinction as an artist in music and cultureimagine if he finds out I have like five “he expressed.

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Source: Clarin


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