Die Toten Hosen. The German band arrives in Argentina in October and dedicates an emotional letter to local fans.
Since their first visit to the country in 1992, German punk group Die Toten Hosen has captivated local audiences. For this reason, preparing what will be their new presentation in Argentina, next October, the musicians issued a public letter addressed to its Argentine fans.
In the letter, they remember the Germans the close bond forged with the country for thirty years and, among other things, they invite you to celebrate together in the show they will offer on October 22 at the legendary Obras stadium.
learn Argentine

The historic show Die Toten Hosen under construction in 1992. Photo: Carla Meurer.
Under the title Learn Argentine, Lesson 30alluding to his cover album of punk classics Learn english lesson one, with whom they introduced themselves to the country for the first time, the group describes with emotion the surprise he experienced when welcoming the local public.
At that time, three decades ago, it was an almost blind first landing, invited by the remembered Pil Trafa – or Pil Chalar-, who at that moment was introducing his new project to Pilsen.
“We arrived for the first time in a land unknown to us. Waiting for an empty room, we went up to that stage in Halley on a Friday in September 1992 at the crazy hour of 4 am with no more expectations than to go home. remembering drinking Quilmes, eating asado and making some crazy friends“recalls the letter.
He adds: “We couldn’t have been more wrong! That first concert hall was packed and the local presentation of our punk cover LP Learn english lesson one, It was a party of such magnitude that many still remember today as a before and after of their life. Undoubtedly it was in ours. Love at first sight “.
Friendship with Pila
In the following paragraphs, the group underlines that from that day “GDP has become our friend for life and Argentina in our home outside Germany “; and lists some of the great shows he starred in here, such as when It was the opening number of Ramones or Faith No More.

Die Toten Hosen, on one of his visits to Argentina. The German group will return in October. Photo: Emmanuel Fernandez.
“We visited the four cardinal points of Argentina, experiencing many incredible events with you, in what has been a long and beautiful journey with too many stories that are too special to remember them all,” he continues.
And adding a share of humor to the emotional writing, they say, “Well, there were also some excesses that tainted the memory! We drank wine in Mendoza, we went swimming in Mar del Plata beach in the middle of winterwe walked from Cachi (Salta) to Bariloche always with the best company: you, our fans and friends!
In turn, the members of Die Toten Hosen warn not to live “in the past”, so they launch their invitation to the concert with which they will celebrate 30 years of relationship with Argentina, for the local spring.
“We always want to continue learning Argentine. And this too, our 30th lesson, will certainly be very special because unfortunately Pil will no longer be physically present “.
However, they assure: “We will take care of all of us, you and us, to leave your name and legacy very high and make your immortal music sound forever.” The public letter is completed with a special request for his followers: “Go chill the beers and warm the hearts that soon we will be together again. “
Source: Clarin