Santiago Maratea expressed his disappointment with Cristina Kirchner and Mauricio Macri.
Santiago Maratea usually makes headlines for the various collections he organizes and with which he collects millionaires destined for charitable causes. However, the influencer this time was not new to his actions, but to his words. This Monday he expressed his disappointment with Mauricio Macri and Cristina Kirchner, stressed militancy in Argentina and even faced his mother’s suicide.
In an extensive interview he gave to Luis Novaresio LN +Maratea said that, at first, she identified with the speech of the current vice president, but made it clear that her sentiment later disappeared.
“I’ve never had much hope for Cristinabut when he started I was younger and had a very inclusive talk, about progress in the community, with youth and diversity as a priority. This all has a lot to do with me. But I was disappointed, just like Macri“, he expressed.
Far from taking sides with either of them, he distances himself from both: “Cristina thinks she has one justification and Macri thinks she has another. But the results are the same. It’s not as easy as one or the other. I have never voted for either of them. To me they don’t represent Argentina“.

Santi Maratea arrived in Corrientes after making a collection that raised 200 million pesos.
“I know very dirty things about both of them“, he fired. At Novaresio’s insistence, he told a story as an example. Before starting, he asked the journalist who she preferred to be the protagonist of the story.” Cristina “, replied Novaresio.
“One day, while the country was falling apart, Cristina threw a party at the Quinta de Olivos and, surprisingly, a Macri imitator appeared. Everyone laughed while the country was in crisis,” he revealed. And immediately he remarked: “The names of the characters are interchangeable. The imitator could be Cristina’s, during Macri’s government.”
On the other hand, he believed that “militancy is highly valued” and that “there are people who fight to be famous and have money“.” Everyone wants to steal the voice that should have a voice. There are people who work to block the streets and organize demonstrations, “she added.

Santiago Marathea. Photo: Instagram
Following the many solidarity campaigns he carried out, proposals to run for president began to rain on him from social networks, half as a joke and half seriously. The insistence of the people is such that they have also treated him in his therapy sessions.
“I talked about it in presidency therapy, because they tell me too much. I never speak in occupational therapy and that was the first time. The psychologist gave me a shock. First it starts as a joke and then they realize I mean it, “she admitted.
Maratea, on her mother’s suicide: “I respect her decision”
Through an anecdote, Maratea introduced his mother’s suicide in the interview: “One day a man came to me to sell handkerchiefs and I bought it. He told me: ‘You have money, you have no problems.’ ? A year ago my old lady committed suicide‘, I answered”.
When asked how she dealt with that moment, she explained: “Since it was a suicide, there was a part of her that chose it. She wanted it. So there is a blanket of respect towards your decision. I was very angry, but I channeled it very well and moved on. ”
“For me, death is an eternal blank sheet of paper in which we imagine nonsense that can happen. What I like best is the one in which only those who remain alive see death, but for those who die everything remains exactly the same, I think about it especially in the case of my old lady who committed suicide, “he reflected.
Source: Clarin