Blake Jenner was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol.
In recent years, the tragedies and scandals marked the lives of many of the protagonists of Glee, a series broadcast between 2009 and 2015. This time, the victim of this “curse” was Blake Jennerwhich was arrested and charged with drunk driving.
The incident took place last Saturday in the city of Burbank, in Los Angeles, California. The 29-year-old actor, best remembered for his role as Ryder Lynn, did not stop at a red light and was arrested at a police checkpoint, where it was discovered that he was driving with alcohol in his blood.
According to the American magazine PeopleJenner was released the same day and must appear before the California court.
It is not the first time that it is at the center of controversy. In 2019, the actress Melissa Benoistfrom whom she had divorced two years ago, she claimed to have suffered gender-based violence.

Melissa Benoist and Blake Jenner. Photo: Anne-Christine POUJOULAT / AFP.
Without mentioning Jenner’s name, the actress recounted her experience. “I learned what it feels like to be stuck and slapped repeatedly, hit so hard that I felt like I was running out of air, dragged by the hair on the floor, hit on the head, pinched to break my skin, crash into the wall, drown, “he revealed.
months later, Jenner admitted the allegations in a statement and apologized: “There are many things I wish I had done differently; And while I hope the pain we suffered during our relationship is alleviated, I will never make the same mistakes again. “
The curse of Glee: tragedy and scandals
On July 13, 2020 the body of Naya Rivera33, was found on Lake Piru in California, where he had disappeared five days earlier while on a boat with his young son, Josey.
Scandals were already present in his life a few years ago. In 2017, the actress who played Santana Lopez in Glee was arrested for beating her husband in West Virginia.
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Source: Clarin