“Everything is coming to light”: Romina Lescano leaked controversial chats about her brother Pablo’s hidden son

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Lescano doesn’t usually speak on television or do controversial publications, but this time he came out at the crossroads of rumors.

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The appearance of Brian Oscar Sebastian Airalathe son of Paolo Lescano recently recognized by the leader of free ladieshe discovered a difficult vessel to close.

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It happens that the young man, who is hospitalized in a rehabilitation clinic for her addiction problemssaid inside intruders (America, 1:30 pm) who always knew the musician was her father. And she also claimed to have had a close bond with him and his family until the age of 4 or 5.

Therefore, Romina Lescano, who, incidentally, has been estranged from her brother since last year when she left the cumbia band she commands, has come out to give her version of the facts. To everyone’s surprise, the former chorister of Damas Gratis he supported his peer and denied having any kind of relationship with her eldest grandson.

Romina Lescano in Intrusi's living room.  Capture TV

Romina Lescano in Intrusi’s living room. Capture TV

But there was more. It is that after sitting in the living room of the cycle that leads Flor de la Ve, Romina shared in her Instagram stories the messages that were sent to her by the family of the man who gave her his surname and recognized him as her son apparently after being deceived by the young man’s mother regarding his paternity.

Romina Lescano defends her brother in the networks.

Romina Lescano defends her brother in the networks.

Gradually everything is coming to light“Romina started writing and then shared screenshots of the chat she exchanged with a relative of the man who raised her grandson as if he were her own son.

“Hi, Romy, thank you for the testimony you have given intruders. Thanks to you it was possible to know something of the truth of this whole lie what Noemí (Brian’s mother) and his lawyer say, “said this person in the first message.

One of Romina Lescnao's posts on Instagram.

One of Romina Lescnao’s posts on Instagram.

And it went on: “I am Airala and I tell you that we are destroyed just like all of you. My cousin Beto was persecuted like Brian … he gave him her surname because she made him believe it. Noemí was having an affair and had two children with my cousin and told him that this third one, who was Brian, was also his. ”

A word from a relative of the man who raised Brian.

A word from a relative of the man who raised Brian.

“That’s why he bears the surname Airala. He always took the lead. It’s a lie that he needed because my cousin gave him everything. What he is looking for is to take money from your brother … “, Added that relative of the man who recognized Pablo’s son as his own.

More messages from the Airala family against Brian's mom.

More messages from the Airala family against Brian’s mom.

We hope that everything comes to light and it is known that Brian had a father, he was Beto Airala and he always worked so that they did not miss anything and while he never worked, the only thing he always did is mess and cheat on my cousin“, Closed that person who communicated with the sister of the idol of the cumbia villera.

Romina Lescano showed the messages she received about her nephew's education.

Romina Lescano showed the messages she received about her nephew’s education.

The word of Romina Lescano in “Intruders”

The sister of Paolo LescanoRomina, visited the living room of intruders and disowns his nephew, Brianwhich was recently recognized by the musician, after undergoing positive genetic tests.

Hours earlier, the young man had said on the same program that he had been in contact with his father and his family until the age of about 5, but that the bond was then “severed” by the singer’s family.

The former Free Ladies showgirl not only denied those versions but also explained why she never tried to get close to the guy. “They have never been in a relationship … Brian doesn’t know the truth and I think he deserves an explanation. “

And she added, indignant: “I never went to look for the child, I don’t know the house and my brother never invited him to his house, neither the one now nor the one where he lived as a couple with the mother of the two youngest children .. . She never invited him. ”

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Source: Clarin

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