Netflix released the first trailer for Pinocchio (Pinocchioin the original), the expected animated adaptation of the classic fairy tale for children directed by the Mexican Guillermo del Toro together with the American Mark Gustafson.
The film will arrive in the catalog of the “streaming” platform in December, however a month before it will have a limited edition in theaterswhich shows that the company has this film as one of its big bets for the next Oscars.
Ewan McGregor, David Bradley, Christoph Waltz, Tilda Swinton, Cate Blanchett, Finn Wolfhard, Ron Perlman and Tim Blakand Nelson will voice their characters in the English version of the film.

Guillermo del Toro proposes his Pinocchio between the first and second world war, before the irruption of fascism. AP photo
In Italy, before fascism
The film, which follows the “stop motion” technique (frame-by-frame animation), is set in Italy in the interwar periodbefore fascism took power.
A month ago, during the Guadalajara Festival, Guillermo Del Toro explained that he had opted for a rebellious and disobedient version of Pinocchio.
“I was very interested which was not in favor of good morals and the structure of most of the ‘pinochos’, which say that if you are disobedient it is bad, this character is betting on being good and not following orders “, analyzed the Mexican director.
“I believe that to be who you are you don’t have to betray your nature“, added the director of Pan’s labyrinth Y the shape of the water.
A very personal film
The director, who shot the film in the US and Mexico, assured that his new film “couldn’t be more personal” and he was concerned with touching on topics like love, death and what “it means to be human”.
“What matters to me is if it moves me, if it makes me laugh, if it makes me cry, if I understand it; the film couldn’t be more personal, obviously it has to do with life, death, love, what it means to behave like a puppet and what it means to behave like a human beingDel Toro pointed out.

Guillermo del Toro says his Pinocchio “is committed to being good and not following orders”. photo EFE
Guillermo Del Toro said so It took him 15 years to complete this project which represents a return to his origins in cinema, when he made together with his friend Rigoberto Mora some animation shorts in clay in Super 8 format.
Some personal data
Guillermo Del Toro is an inveterate cinephile, a guy who – and it’s not a joke – as a boy he saw monsters walking around his room and offered them a deal: If they let him go to the bathroom, they would be friends for life. And business is done.
Born on October 9, 1964 in Guadalajara, before making his first feature film –Chronowith Federico Luppi and Ron Pearlman, she spent ten years doing makeup design.
With a long relationship with Argentina, Del Toro worked on his first three films with Federico Luppi and subsequently produced Otherwisethe film by Andy Muschetti.

Guillermo del Toro has an excellent relationship with Argentine cinema. Photo Jordan Strauss / Invision / AP
“And apart from that we made a film with Guillermo Francella, Rude and Corny. Look, what happens with Latin American cinema is that we admire each other. In a certain way, for example, I love producing films in Latin America, I love having contacts with directors, actors from other Latin American countries “.
And he added: “Federico Luppi was fundamental for me for my career and for learning to direct actors. He told me two or three great phrases that I carry with me”.
Source: EFE
Source: Clarin