Home Entertainment Alberto Samid offered Yanina Latorre a political candidate: the harsh response of the speaker

Alberto Samid offered Yanina Latorre a political candidate: the harsh response of the speaker

Alberto Samid offered Yanina Latorre a political candidate: the harsh response of the speaker

Yanina Torres Y Emerald miter were tempted by Alberto Samid to conform to the next elections a formula that – according to his words – ends with the slot between “middle-upper and lower classes”. However, the rapporteur THEY (América, 20 years old) has already said no and explained the reasons.

Days ago, the entrepreneur mentioned in an interview his intentions to create a “formula together“with the wife of Diego Latorre and heir of the Miter family with the aim of” facing the great powers “.

We should put an end to the crack and make a formula together with the high society sectors. We are talking to Esmeralda Miter and Yanina Latorre… ”, she began by saying the“ King of Meat ”.

Latorre sent a message to Ángel de Brito to tell him how the situation arose.  Capture TV

Latorre sent a message to Ángel de Brito to tell him how the situation arose. Capture TV

And it went on: “The idea is to be able to bring together these powers which are great because it is very difficult to move forward … The upper middle class is angry with the lower middle class and the lower middle class is angry with the upper middle class. And the problem is the strangers who steal everything from us. So we have to be together. “

“I talked to Yanina Latorre, she told me she was going to Miami and that when she came we would talk. So far I have offered him absolutely nothing.we are not talking about a formula, first I want to know what degree of political knowledge he has and what vision he has of the country and if he doesn’t have a similar thought to ours, I don’t need it, ”said the businessman.

“Tell me it’s not true @yanilatorre because I’m angry,” a Twitter user asked the speaker under a note from Clarione with the video of Samid’s sayings. “Not even dressed up as a monkey!“, the media responded with humor.

The tweet of the speaker rejecting the proposal.

The tweet of the speaker rejecting the proposal.

Now, Ángel de Brito asked her on WhatsApp what she thought and from Miami she replied: “How funny this man (from Samid) is. I don’t understand how this man says he’s talking to me and Esmeralda. First, there is no one further from me in the thinking of Esmeralda Miter. Second, me I would never do politics“.

“Thirdly, he called me the same day I was coming to Miami, I was in my car on the way to the airport and he called me right away, and He told me that he would like to apply, I don’t know why, and that he would like to include me in the formulaLatorre explains.

And he acknowledged: “I told him no, that in no way was that I don’t know anything about politics, nor am I a militantthat I didn’t care at all about the situation, unless they called you and said ‘come with me’ and I don’t know what he will do or what you think, or what party he comes from. ”

Alberto Samid in his field in Cañuelas, May 1st, together with Hugo Moyano and Omar Plaini.  Photo: Maxi Failla

Alberto Samid in his field in Cañuelas, May 1st, together with Hugo Moyano and Omar Plaini. Photo: Maxi Failla

“Also it would go against my principles in all senses. She remembers (she told Ángel) how angry I was at Cinthia (Fernández) when she ran away. It seems to me that a person who is not militant, who does not work or has a career … I think there is a way to do it … “, she deepened.

“I already know I have a strong opinion that I share in my networks and that I train, but I wouldn’t even do anything at the expense of what I think and keep adding unnecessary and junk to this country. I don’t speak to anyone for any political candidacy, for God’s sake!“, he closed in no uncertain terms.

After Yanina Latorre’s “no”, what was Esmeralda Miter’s answer to Alberto Samid

According to the sayings of Alberto Samidhad a “barbaric speech” with Emerald miter when he met her to propose to put together a formula for the next elections.

“I wanted to meet her, I wanted to know her thoughts and I was surprised because she went further. She is a highly politicized woman, she knows the reality of things wellthe businessman said.

The actress wants to enter politics, but not with Alberto Samid.  Photo: Maxi Failla

The actress wants to enter politics, but not with Alberto Samid. Photo: Maxi Failla

As mentioned in THEY, the meeting actually took place. However, Bartolomé Miter’s heir would not have thought of accepting the proposal of the “King of the flesh”.

“Esmeralda’s rep told me they had had a coffee (with Alberto), but she told him no. On the other hand it will make politics “, assured the air of THEY Andrea Taboada.


Source: Clarin


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