Diego Maradona’s children have crossed paths with Matías Morla after the surprising legal setback against him

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Diego Maradona's children have crossed paths with Matías Morla after the surprising legal setback against him

Dalma and Gianinna Maradona against Matías Morla.

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The legal battle between the sons of Diego Maradona and Matías Morla for the mark of the deceased star it’s hotter than ever. While the lawyer claimed that the Justice ruled in his favor, now the heirs of the Ten they issued a strong statement that says otherwise.

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Just three days ago Morla published a resolution of the Federal Court of the Southern District of Florida, in the United States, which ruled in favor of him and the Diez sisters, members of the company Sattvica SA. In it he specifies it the heirs will not be able to market the brand or promote products with the father’s name.

“The defendants are detained and prohibited: use the ‘MARADONA’ trademark in any way, make any false denomination of origin, description, representation or suggestion that the Defendants are the source, the owners, of the MARADONA trademark, “the verdict reads.

Diego's children, Dalma, Gianinna and Dieguito Fernando and their two exes, Claudia Villafañe and Verónica Ojeda.

Diego’s children, Dalma, Gianinna and Dieguito Fernando and their two exes, Claudia Villafañe and Verónica Ojeda.

And he adds that “The defendants must immediately surrender and otherwise hand over control to the plaintiff the “Maradona” profile page maintained on the Instagram platformas well as the website and the domain www.dm10.com “.

It should be remembered that it was Diego, in 2016, who sold the rights of his image and brand to his lawyercompanion and friend Matías Morla, with the commitment to also take care of his sisters, especially so that they lack nothing financially.

Matías Morla and the sisters of Diego Maradona.

Matías Morla and the sisters of Diego Maradona.

But now, this statement signed by all of Diez’s sons, Dalma, Gianinna, Diego, Dieguito JR and Jana, who jointly posted on the star’s Instagram account, totally contradicts Morla’s version.

The complete statement

“By virtue of the publications that have been given in various media in relation to the sentence of a Court of the Southern District of Florida (USA), it is necessary to make some clarifications to which we are forced in the memory and respect for our father“, it begins.

“First and foremost we are the ONLY and LEGITIMATE children and heirs of DIEGO ARMANDO MARADONA, for this reason we are the owners of all your rights and of course the use of your name and image. To understand anything else is to go against all moral, legal and common sense logic, “he continues.

“Secondly, with the aforementioned news, we learned of a new, desperate and unfounded attempt by Dr. Matías Morla and his Sattvica company .A. Whose illegal and illegitimate claim, denounced several times, tries to persuade the good people who have accompanied our father all his life, with news that does not reflect realitybut which have a strong media impact “, he adds.

The statement of Diego Maradona's children on his Instagram account.

The statement of Diego Maradona’s children on his Instagram account.

“I mean, it goes without saying that We have not been duly and legally informed of this alleged action. and the measures that would have been decreed, which is why the judicial decision will be revoked in a short time. It is not even true that Dalma and / or Gianinna Maradona would have exploited the brand in the United States, which also corresponds to their surname and a faithful reflection of the father figure “, he adds.

“It is less certain that the social networks belonging to our father, and today inherited by his children, have some restrictions to exercise our full and exclusive right to publish all the photos, videos, images, audios and other representations of our father, “he argues. .

And he shoots: “In particular, the action promoted that the right of defense did not allow us is completely abstract and meaningless, since it is rather a matter of a printing operation of the dark people and devoid of ethical and moral principles, that of firm judicial decision “.

Giannina and Dalma Maradona.  Photo: Tomas Cuesta.  AFP

Giannina and Dalma Maradona. Photo: Tomas Cuesta. AFP

“The US Supreme Court never processed the file cited by the media, but went to trial without the possibility of defense on our part for not having been informed “, they explained.

“It is not even true that they would have awarded the MARADONA brand to the sisters Sattvica SA and Diego Maradona, who they are not even part of the case“, they denounced.

“Actually, in the United States, not all the facts and judicial litigation existing in Argentina have been exposed, that Dr. Morla, in presenting his case, deliberately failed to report the precautionary measure decreed by the National Civil Justice of Argentina which is COMPANY and that FORBIDDEN to use the image, name, aliases and voice of the person who in life was Diego Armando Maradona. No trademark transfer is validated with an unprecedented precautionary measure, “he argues.

“This sad and dark character intends to use, as a defensive element, a sustained, crude, unfounded and crude attack, not only against Dalma and Gianinna Maradona, but also against Diego Armando Maradona (h), Jana Maradona and Diego Fernando Maradona Ojeda, who , we repeat, are the sole legal holders of our father’s rights and above all of its image “, he adds.

“On behalf of our father, we will continue to work with our legal representatives in a coordinated and respectful manner, as we have done so far, and we will not stop until justice is done so that those responsible for your abandonment and your death, absolutely avoidable, respond to justice and pay for the crimes committed “, reads the note.

“We will fight tirelessly to keep your legacy and memory alive“concludes the publication signed by Diego’s five children.


Source: Clarin

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