Is it true that Facebook is more effective than Tinder?
Brief choral sociology of the postmodern Levant. Next, profiles, testimonials and headaches of users on dating apps. Almost like a message in a bottle.
“People who use the nickname Live the life or names of waves cloth Capricon69“. I don’t like dating apps, I want know people in a more organic waylook at their faces … Me too!! But she never goes out. “
“I kind of envy the level of ego and confidence people have in dating apps that put absolutely NOTHING in the description. My tip of the night: use the app encounters with some degree of alcohol in the blood.
“I’ve closed all apps. If anyone wants to flirt with me, do it the old fashioned way. That is, on Twitter.”
“What’s up with what comes out pure sir ??? I am looking for a mate not a dad !!! For those who use Tinder: Should they be included if that person is vaccinated against COVID-19? I open the discussion “.

“I want to get married. And you?” Roberto Galán invented the first Tinder.
“What are we thinking about Badoo?? I find it enough fieldit’s like going down a glacier level of dating apps. If they put “I’m not looking for anything serious” on dating profilesDoes it mean they want to play video games / board games ??
“Facebook is better than Tinder. Twitter is better!”
“I can’t read the messages they send me, I’m not signed up. That’s why I’m not answering, they’re blurry. Thanks.” “Writer, I don’t know how to ride a bicycle, I like the color orange”. “I am creative, sensitive, straightforward and sensual. Self-supporting. Please send photos. “
on research
“I’m looking for men over 60 without exception.” “Gauchito and dominant. I don’t have a fucking drama on a first date. Long live Peron.
“I cannot give you solutions for all the problems in life, nor do I have answers for all your doubts or fears, but I can listen to you and look for them with you.”
“Affectionate, romantic, polite.” “I’m not interested in profiles without a photo.” “How is it possible that people know each other now if he’s not on his cell phone? “
“Damn filters by urgesThey are going too far … “
“Dear men who have profiles on dating apps: if you are going to post selfies in front of the mirror, please have the decency to clean it first. And try not to see a back toilet, much less a urinal. Thank you”.

“We have never been so objectified, then they complain …” wrote one user on a dating app.
“There is one on tiktok that reviews the app profile and shows me how many people think it’s okay to post photos with 1-fish ??? 2-children 3-other people whose profile is indistinguishable 4 thousand filters that deform your face “.
“I think about it a lot, I don’t take anything and the weekend is over”.
“My signals for” running away “from the profiles on the” dating “apps: that I have a pure photo in the gym”.
“Hate stylish holiday photos (worse in tourist places). I hate that he has self-improvement phrases. There are many photos of a dolphin kissing. With a beard !!! They put on 2 and one is with a chin strap “.
“I need them to have at least five photos to decide haha. we have never been like this objectified, then complain. Shirtless photo in front of the mirror. Photo looking sexy towards the camera. Photo that isn’t yours. Very pixelated photo. identity photo “.
“A photo as if the selfie camera had surprised you (not bad, but isn’t it capable?) Of those that put the face of Messi and other celebrities. It’s something like a trend? “.
good chemistry
“Hi, I’d like to find someone with good alchemy. We’ll see the rest … AWAY those who publish photos related to football, how depressing”.
“I just found a girl on IG who likes her advise people to create profiles on dating apps. “
“I redid her profile from bumble to my best friend because she took nothing and paid off “.
“The time when I was wasting time scroll through the profiles from app dating now I invest in watching videos of people breaking out of acne and blackheads, look at my level of interest in having sex. Null “.
“If you put a picture of boobs, don’t bother writing poetic lyrics. NO ONE READS THEM “.
“I don’t understand this mania of writing tweets and managing to put neckline photos.”
“People who bring “Non-casual sex” on their profiles they are the first you find yourself …
“It amazes me how many women put their zodiac sign in their descriptions. Dude, men aren’t interested in that, and so are men who are probably looking for men.”
“More than half of the respondents (58%) said that their interlocutor’s employment information quickly created a certain image in their mind, especially in the case of women (68%). On the contrary, only 50% of men is influenced by the other’s profession when looking for a partner “.
“I like that the profiles of those who study medicine are always photos of them in both, ALWAYS”.
“Gradually, emojis are becoming a trend in dating app profiles. I noticed that the photos in the European monuments have been replaced by kittens ???? “.

“Why aren’t we dating yet?” The nurse who asked the same question and posted the answers in a viral video.
“More than 20% of #app profiles could be malicious bots. #UOC expert Jordi Cabot (@softmodeling) explains that #bots have improved, but users are also more attentive and have the tools to detect it. “
“A minute of silence for the amateur photoshop photos of Levante profiles “.
“Before, people lied on resumes. Now they ask for a title for everything and people lie on network profiles.”
“I hate dating apps. I hate spending years chatting with A Guy… It never ends. I hate casual sex, I want them to love me passionately from the first date. “
“Photos with friends where you don’t know who the child is. Photos of the food. Photos of the roast (only the roast !!!!!)”.
“Enough with the photos with the dolphins !!!!”
Hernan Firpo
Source: Clarin