Home Entertainment The Grönholm Method is back on stage, now with Benjamín Vicuña, Laurita Fernández and Rafa Ferro

The Grönholm Method is back on stage, now with Benjamín Vicuña, Laurita Fernández and Rafa Ferro

The Grönholm Method is back on stage, now with Benjamín Vicuña, Laurita Fernández and Rafa Ferro

The Grönholm Method is back on stage, now with Benjamín Vicuña, Laurita Fernández and Rafa Ferro

The Gronholm method, directed by Ciro Zorzoli in La Plaza, with Benjamín Vicuña, Laurita Fernández, Rafa Ferro and Julián Cabrera. Photo: print.

With dozens of versions, The Gronholm method has toured the world, since its first original in Barcelona in 2003. Now, a new version arrives in Buenos Airesthe second, directed by Ciro Zorzoli and starring Benjamín Vicuña, Laurita Fernández and Rafael Ferro. The first will be on August 12, at Paseo La Plaza.

“What we need is a son of a bitch who looks like a good boy!” is the motto of the work written by the Catalan Jordi Galceran and which has been successful in all the cities where it has been staged.

The cast of this new version is completed by Julián Cabrera and the general production is by Pablo Kompel.

The Gronholm method, a new theatrical version in La Plaza.  The cast: Rafa Ferro, Benjamín Vicuña, Laurita Fernández and Julián Cabrera, with director Ciro Zorzoli.  Print photos.

The Gronholm method, a new theatrical version in La Plaza. The cast: Rafa Ferro, Benjamín Vicuña, Laurita Fernández and Julián Cabrera, with director Ciro Zorzoli. Print photos.

In the plot proposed by the author, four candidates for senior management positions in a tech multinational face off in the final interview. But there is neither interviewer nor interviewer here, but little by little they will have to find out who really is who.

With piquant dialogues, situations that constantly change course and in the least expected moment, the work poses, in a comic tone, a constant tension and a surprising and absolutely revealing ending.

It was a local hit in 2006

The Gronholm method was the revealing work that emerged from the National Theater of Catalonia in 2003 and became one of the biggest hits of the theatrical billboard in Argentina in 2006. Then, again in La Plaza, he was played by Gabriel Goity, Jorge Suárez, Alejandra Flechner and Martín Seefeld, directed by Daniel Veronese.

The original Puma Goity in the original 2005 version of The Gronholm Method.  Photo: Fernando of the Order

The original Puma Goity in the original 2005 version of The Gronholm Method. Photo: Fernando of the Order

The work was a poster for two years and then went on tour throughout Argentina and several neighboring countries. The method.… is one of the most produced pieces in the world by Jordi Galceran, and the new local production sees Cecilia Zuvialde in the scenography, Eli Sirlin in the scenography and Amelia Coral in the scenography.

The origin of the plot

“The idea of ​​work born from a true anecdote. A series of documents was found in a garbage can in Barcelona in which an employee of the personnel department of a supermarket chain had written his impressions of possible candidates for a cashier position, “says Galceran.

And remember: “The comments were full of macho, xenophobic and cruel phrases”fat, busty …. “,”He can’t even shake hands.. “,”whistle, play like an idiot ... “, etc. That employee, protected by the sacred mission that had been entrusted to him, believed he had the right to issue and write this nonsense about a series of people he knew nothing about.

From this situation it is that the author imagined his characters. “The fact that he had the power to give them a job or not legitimized him to be cruel, ruthless. I imagined those poor girls trying to present a good image of themselves, trying to do what they thought was expected of them, willing to endure even small humiliations to get the job they needed, “he says.

the director speaks

Ciro Zórzoli says the work speaks with a ferocious humor.  Photo: Martin Bonetto,

Ciro Zórzoli says the work speaks with a ferocious humor. Photo: Martin Bonetto,

For his part, director Ciro Zorzoli, comments: “The world of work has changed drastically in recent years and especially after going through a pandemic whose effects we have not yet measured.

In conclusion, he adds: “The Gronholm method puts us in that world of work to talk to us about the limits that human beings can reach when they believe that the only alternative to being able to satisfy their desires is to go beyond others. And the work does it with humor, a ferocious humor that reveals that monster that can wake up in us, many times without realizing it ”.


Source: Clarin


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