How was the first week of Genesis, the new biblical boom of Telefe

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How was the first week of Genesis, the new biblical boom of Telefe

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Genesis had a great early week in terms of ratings.

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As a post by early eveningMonday arrived on Telefe Genesis, the origin of everything, but in a slot shared with Fugitiva, who said goodbye to that screen on Tuesday after seven months on the air. Y the arrival of the biblical can make it clear that we are dealing with another phenomenon foreign … in the absence of local fiction.

At its debut, at 9:30 pm, after a short episode of the Turkish strip (15 minutes), the story that in its first phase tells the relationship between Adam and Eve scored 14.5 points and became the most viewed on Monday. The wait to see a new storyline ran from the top step of the podium to the tank of Argentina’s La Voz (at 10:30 pm, on Telefe), which was in second place that night, averaging 12.1.

But Tuesday The Marley-led musical reality show has returned to the top spotwith 14.6, prevailing by 5 five tenths a Genesisthat Wednesday, despite having obtained a lower score, got the tip back. Location he didn’t leave until Friday.

In its third broadcast, the Brazilian production that has triumphed in much of the world collected 13.4 points, ahead of The voicewith 12.9.

Thursday, the day when the battles of the “living” began in the musical reality show, the evaluation awarded the fiction the winner: Genesis measured 14.1 pointsonly a tenth more than the cycle he has Lali Esposito, Soledad Pastorutti, Ricardo Montaner, Mau and Ricky of the jury.

And on Friday, without the singing competition on the grid, biblical can climbed to the top step of the podium with 11.2 points, ahead of TV news, with 10.2. So, in his first week on Argentine TV, Genesis averaged 13.4 pointsan interesting fact for the short time they run in terms of audience.

What is the story about

In this first part, the plot centers on Adam and Eveplayed by Carlo Porto and Juliana Boller.

The actress who plays Eve in this fiction is a familiar face of other biblical productions, since she was part of them joseph of egypt (like Maria) Joshua and the promised land (where was Chaia); jezebel (in the role of Hannah), Jesus (It was Cassandra when she was young). She now she is recording a new series, King.

In Genesis, Eve is created by God for the purpose of keeping company with Adam, the first man in the world. However, the influence of evil and a bad decision cause both of them to be expelled from Heaven, which will sadden their souls and change the course of their lives and that of their descendants.

For its part, the Adam of this telenovela is played by Carlyle Oliveira Porto, who became known as Carlo Porto.

the protagonist of Genesisnow 40, he made his debut on television in 2008, in the soap opera Cases and caseswhere she played Eliseu.

Genesis It is an adaptation of one of the most recognized books of the Bible, which deals with the history of the origin of humanity. Made in seven steps different, this Record TV blockbuster tries to show how the world was created and what humanity’s first 2,300 years were like according to the Old Testament books.

Source: Clarin

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