Bad news for Susana. AFIP filed a criminal complaint.
“He won’t speak.” This is what several sources from Susana Giménez’s inner circle claim. “Because it is a very technical subject for you. But mostly because he’s very angry; they think this denunciation is an ideological and political noise to distract from the really serious problems that are happening “, they explain.
Susana Giménez’s “anger” is due to the criminal complaint of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) for alleged tax evasion, accusing her of omitting a 2019 affidavit to avoid paying for personal property. The required amount is 50 million pesos.
The specific complaint was filed last Thursday in the courts of the economic criminal jurisdiction and fell before court number 5, against Dr. Diego Amarante. Susana is accused of having “hidden her fiscal reality by failing to submit the notoriety deed of the personal property tax for the year 2019”.
“In 2011 they also caught him with her”
Beyond the strictly legal details, from environment of the diva approach to the subject from the political crack. “Everyone knows that Susana is very critical of Kirchnerism. And as soon as they manage to bring her into the judiciary, they do it. You have to remember that they also caught her in 2011, after criticizing on her show that you couldn’t buy dollars for the stock. “
“And among other things – the source continues -, let’s not delude ourselves: Susana serves to divert attention from the disasters they are making in their current management“.
Susana’s release
On the other hand, the one who did speak on behalf of the diva is Susana’s lawyer and accountant, César Litvin, also professor of the Chair of Tax Theory and Technique of the UBA: “We can’t talk about deception. What they are doing is prosecuting a tax that is confiscatory and that damages the right to property protected by the national Constitution.
“There is no crime or fraud here. But also, even then the Supreme Court had affirmed that a confiscation tax infringes the right to property. And that’s what happened in this case, “Litvin points out.
The conflict focuses on paying the 2019 personal property tax. According to Litvin, “given the rise in rates – during this government -, income tax would represent 126.22% of Susana’s income; a figure that rises to 143.56% if we add profit “.
“So – he continues – Susana should share part of her life savings in order to meet the payment”.
“There was no deception, there was a pandemic and a quarantine!”
Regarding the delay in the presentation, Litvin made it clear Clarione: “The 2019 personal wealth tax was filed after the deadline because it was due in the middle of a pandemic, in fact Susana was affected by it. In addition to the fact that, in those days, Susana was changing her tax address.
The presentation in question was scheduled for August 12, 2020 and Susana’s for March 4. “AFIP is filing a criminal complaint because it understands that submitting after the deadline is a ploy. And there was no trick here, what was there is a pandemic and a quarantine!
“Talking about deceit or deception is nonsense. We must bear in mind that during the pandemic it was not easy to gather information. It was a delay, and understanding how misleading is absurd. “
Cesare Litvak
Source: Clarin