The historic producer of Ruiz Guiñazú speaks: “Magdalena knew how to wake up the country”

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The historic producer of Ruiz Guiñazú speaks:

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A broadcast of “Magdalenta very soon”, in Mitrre, with the then president Fernando de la Rúa.

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To find out if you could count on her testimony, on the day of Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú’s death, it was first a whatsapp. then another asking if the pain allowed him to speak. And then, yes, he answered the call from Clarione. Well, back in the day he debuted as his producer, Marta Lama He had no written messages, no cell phones, no networks. It was she who called at dawn at the home of the interviewees.

“Those were other times, nothing to do with the way we work now. Everything was difficult, but it has been done. you said it was for Magda’s program and everyone attended you … and at any time“, the historic producer of Ruiz Guiñazú says, gripped by pain and the need for tribute, the other face of the very first Magdaleneits flagship.

the cycle that revolutionized radio mornings aired on Miter from 1987 to 2005, in the so-called “early morning”from 6 to 9, hot bangsequivalent to early evening open TV evening. If you wanted to be informed from dawn, you had to listen to him. All the voices rang there, all of them.

“Magdalena knew how to wake up the country,” says Lamas on the other side of the line e do not overdo it. The program that since 2014 has continued on Continental, the station from which it left last year to return to Miter, not only set the agenda, but managed to outshine the public with the testimonies that other media have sought and few have obtained. And everything revolved around the profession of Ruiz Guiñazú.

How can I forget his cordial greetings to wake up the audiencealmost always with some magical background song by María Elena Walsh.

“He taught without realizing it”

“Look what Magda was another. I got up at 4 in the morning, or maybe earlier, but so did she.. And she came to the radio with the newspapers she read, connected with Argentina and the world. She taught without realizing it“, says her colleague, but also her friend.

we met in 1975, on Radio Belgrano, she is a journalist and I her presenter. We did the club of sweetness, from 1pm to 2pm, and it was so called because it was sponsored by the Argentine Sugar Center. It was great to see him work. In fact, through her I learned to do journalism “, confesses Lamas, key character in the history of Miter.

In 1981 she began to be the producer of cupcake in the newsof Continental and, since 1987, has developed this work in cupcake very soonuntil Ruiz Guiñazú left Miter.

Upon Magdalena’s return to the station, after seven years at Continental, Lamas states that “in front of the microphone she was impeccable, always professional, always dedicated to journalism with passion. The light indicating that ‘we are on the air’ came on and it was another person, you did not notice the aches or pains“.

The good old days in the days of dial-up

“Now in the morning the TV is turned on and there are many news, magazines, the networks launch data, there is a lot of information that circulates early, but at the beginning of the 80s you had to be able to get everything Magdalena wanted: if there is time, we will call the secretariat of such and such the day before and we will fix a time, or if we did not call the houses of officials or great personalities“, he remembers with nostalgia and the certainty that it costs – almost always – it’s worth it.

“I remember once some Spaniards came to the radio to see how we worked and they couldn’t believe it: “You are crazy, how dare you call a minister at 5 in the morning?”. And not only did we call, but they answered us. Those things were obtained thanks to the name of Magdalene“.

“Now there is a very deep-rooted gymnastics in who produces the radio on the first morning, there are other possibilities of communication … Before you had to fight against so many things. And it was not common to do that kind of program. At that point in time c ‘was, in general, music and mood cycles “, he evokes the other support of the phenomenon which was the very first Magdalenecycle winner of 14 Martín Fierro, including Gold in 1994.

This Tuesday, September 6, between sadness and gratitude, Marta portrays Magdalena as “an honest, fighter, generous, intelligent journalist, open to all experiences. She was demanding, but she never commanded. She knew how to ask”. A friend and an emblem died. We will miss him very much. Magda was the radio“.

The radio will continue, but maybe Without his voice, it sounds different.

Source: Clarin

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