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“Magdalena, a staunch supporter of independent journalism”

“Magdalena, a staunch supporter of independent journalism”

Mariano Vior

How much we will miss you, Maddalena! An example in every sense. Brave, solid, cultured, tireless worker, irreproachable professional, coherent to the core, good colleague, supportive, empathetic, staunch defender of independent journalism and freedom of expression. Just today, all of this is in danger.

You will continue to be a beacon, a source of inspiration, a model, an irreplaceable reference. I believe that anyone who leaves such a legacy does not die.

So thank you, Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú! Have a nice trip. I hope you meet Gene Kelly and invite you to “dance in the rain …”

Irene Bianche /[email protected]

Warm greetings to Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú

Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú, an excellent and irreplaceable journalist, passed away. Her honest and serious journalism mourns her, she has won 15 Martín Fierro and countless prizes and awards, even the spits of intolerance of the beard K.

Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú, you are part of my life, thank you for everything.

Dario Diaz / [email protected]

Magdalena Ruiz Guiñazú is dead. For us, a defender of republican and human rights.

For others, surely, “one less hater”. She remained a Great Woman that we will miss.

Abele Nuccio / [email protected]

Cristina’s trial and hate speech

Again the murky, the suspicion, the unbelievable, the confrontation, the hatred, the enemy, the victimization. They are specialists in all these disastrous tasks for Argentina. They perform it very well. It was his specialty for … And they last eighty years. They destroyed everything, hope, faith, trust, illusion.

I am ashamed to think that, with so many good, respectable and hardworking people, we have not been able to defeat them. We have been doomed to the worst. They took away our hope.

Alessandro Zucotti / [email protected]

I have almost 70 years of life and always in Argentina. I have lived, participated, committed and suffered the successive phases that our company has gone through in all these years. And yes, there was one constant, it was hate speech. Crack is not a current invention. He was born with the Fatherland in front of Unitarians and Federals and was changing his “face” according to social circumstances. But the constant is that, although the level of physical confrontation could have softened the stages in the field of oral and written communication, it has been increasingly violent.

Just remember graffiti like “5 x1 there will be none left”, “Long live cancer” or “Make a homeland kill a Jew”. And the fault lies with the media … or with those who read and repeat them? And the fault lies with the politicians … or with those who voted for them and re-elected and re-elected them …? And is it the fault of the other … is it never mine?

When I publish something, they don’t take long to yell at me “you are a macrista”. But in the next post they yell at me “you are K”. And in the next post they hit me with the “you’re left-handed”, obviously I didn’t miss the insult (and I don’t understand why it’s an insult) of “Zionist”. Nor is the “macho of patriarchy” missing. And they all have one thing in common: they send me to study because what I say, they simply don’t understand.

How can it be that you have to carry all those “labels” at the same time? In almost all cases, when I propose the debate and present my arguments, they are unable to counter-argue and fall into grievances and aggressions. So, it turns out that hate speech is not only in politicians, leaders, media … but it is in each of us and the protagonists only show what we want to hear and repeat by showing more ignorance than wisdom.

We hold the key to ending hate speech. If we refuse it and ask for dialogue … If we refuse it and try to find that 1% we cannot agree on … If we refuse it and build bridges to understand each other … … surely we can correct this destiny that takes us further and further into the abyss.

Claudio E. Gershanik /[email protected]

The lack of values ​​that characterizes power and the ruling front no longer has limits. They left nothing to desecrate and are now going against freedom of expression. They cunningly blocked a city due to the pandemic. They have been given vaccines against Covid, putting the lives of others at risk.

Insecurity under the protection of power. The same with the free will of drug trafficking, assaults, robberies and crimes everywhere. Retired and 50% of the population marginalized, hungry and mired in misery. Threats to justice. Land seizure by stateless groups in the south and other parts of the country, etc. Now, the idea of ​​the law of hate.

This macabre work is supported by three pillars that only promote anarchism: the seditious corrupt and murderers of the 1970s in power, the drug trafficking that underpins all this, and the political corruption, especially of the front it governs. The last thing they need is to silence people and they won’t make it. Nobody will take away the right to express ourselves freely.

They are cornered by justice for the acts of corruption K and the main person involved resorts to any means to try to avoid the inevitable, his conviction and that of his partners.

Rodolfo C. Castello /[email protected]

Hate, hateful word if there is one. The mere mention of him already produces rejection, itching and negativity. Today it is on everyone’s lips, yes, even Congress wants to deal with a law. Beyond the fact that it would be a pseudo gag on freedom of expression, it would also try to hide or limit a human sentiment which, in its right measure, is everyone’s right.

Hate is generated by a rejection of the facts that we consider an incorrigible and repetitive evil that escapes our control to avoid certain consequences it generates.

What if we start from the origin and correct the facts? It is much easier, we do not wait for the consequences of bad deeds. Does anyone hate Santa Claus, the Three Kings or God? Obviously we hate the bad, the incorrigible, the criminals, the hypocrites, the dishonest, etc. We start correcting the source and the hate will go away on its own.

Omar Acher / [email protected]

When Máxima was at that time engaged to the prince. My private company and in particular for me, we have carried out personal assignment. Although he had his official security from the Netherlands, the responsibility in Argentina was mine. This is how she spent, according to her, some wonderful days, between polo matches, horse riding, women’s services and walks along Florida Street, among other activities.

All because he had excluded the Federal Police, since every time he arrived in the country the paparazzi limited his freedom; always warned by personnel of such force.

But when he got married, security became “the responsibility of the state” and we were excluded.

If they excluded me from that responsibility then, how can it be that now the vice president, in the first wave, is entrusted with the “bars” of La Cámpora? Who then is responsible for last Thursday’s act?

John E. Salaverry / [email protected]

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"The virus that generates uncertainty"

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“The virus that generates uncertainty”

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"Cristina was there

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“Was Cristina the most serious event of democracy?”

Source: Clarin


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