Monkeypox: the vaccination deadline for the second dose will soon be abolished

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The 28-day period between the two vaccine doses will be abolished, according to the Île-de-France Regional Health Agency. Vaccinated people will thus have more time to receive a second injection.

Is there no more time? The 28-day delay, imposed and currently in force, between the injection of the first and second doses of vaccination against monkeypox could be abolished soon, opening the possibility of subsequent vaccination, it announced this Saturday the parisian in their columns.

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The change is not yet official. But the delay imposed between the two doses of the monkeypox vaccine will be “changed”, according to the direction of the Regional Health Agency (ARS) of Ile-de-France Amélie Verdier.

“The possibility of spacing between the two has been confirmed by the High Health Authority. It is a public health strategy that aims to maximize the coverage rate of the population with a first dose”, has also confirmed the Ministry of Health, contacted by the local newspaper.

A first dose “more effective” than expected

This development would be the death knell of the mandatory 28 days between the first and second doses and would offer more flexibility to vaccinated people, especially during this holiday period.

The reason given? A first dose of vaccine “more effective than the one estimated at the beginning of July”, specifies the director of the ARS.

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The first deaths, outside of Africa, of people infected with monkeypox were announced on Friday, a few hours apart, by Spain and Brazil, without knowing if the virus was actually the cause of these two deaths.

Author: Juliette Desmonceaux
Source: BFM TV

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