Hospital Laval: unions alert the justice system for “endangering staff”

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The CGT and FO denounce the degraded working conditions, the lack of medical and paramedical personnel, as well as the increased workload linked to Covid.

CGT 53 and Force Ouvrière filed a report on Friday with the Mayenne prosecutor, warning of “the danger to the Laval hospital staff” in a context of regular closure of emergency rooms and lack of beds, as we learned in a statement from press.

“Today we inform you, Madam, Mr Prosecutor, about the fact that the French State, through its decisions to close beds for many years, is endangering the staff of the hospital in Laval,” the unions said.

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The unions warn of the deterioration of the offer of attention to the patients. A situation that results, according to Maxime Lebigot, nurse and FO undersecretary of the Laval hospital center, from the “psychological and physical suffering” of health professionals.

Help of 80 million

Contacted, the management of the Laval hospital center said they were “aware of the difficulties that hospital professionals may face.”

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He wished to recall “the actions implemented to support the exceptional mobilization of hospital professionals in a post-crisis national context” such as the activation of a “medical-administrative crisis unit that meets fortnightly” as well as “weekly social dialogue meetings between management and union representatives.

Closed several times in recent months, the Laval hospital emergency room was already on the verge of suffocation in December, with two-thirds of the doctors missing. In October, the workforce had begun an indefinite strike in the face of a situation they considered “dire for the population.”

In January, while Minister Olivier Véran had announced aid of 30 million euros for this establishment under the Ségur de la Santé, the State announced that it would increase its aid to 80 million euros.

Author: GA with AFP
Source: BFM TV

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