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Who is the real Carl Girouard?

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There are two Carl Girouards. “How do you know the difference between good and bad Carl, there’s a switch?” “The prosecutor asked him, rebelling.

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The cross-examination of the author of the saber attack on Oct. 31, 2020 continued Thursday morning at the Quebec courthouse.

The real Carl did everything to fight Carl’s missionassured the accused of 26 years.

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him homework is to remove as many people as possible to create chaos and its alert another person to create a better world.

This is a good questionhe several times answered the cross-examination led by Me Francois Godin, of the Director of Criminal and Penal Prosecutions (DPCP).

Me Godin wears a mask and speaks to the media in the central court of the Quebec City courthouse.

The prosecutor researched with him his state of mind throughout his planning and execution of his homework.

It was hard for me to put myself in Carl’s head of those yearsdefended himself on several occasions Girouard.

The prosecution lawyer confirmed to him that he had heard no voice and had no hallucinations.

It wasn’t the devil who told you to do it, it came from youlaunched Me Godin.

I lost it, because I had two of my ownexplanation of the defendant.

A sketch by Carl Girouard testifying to his trial.

When the prosecutor told him he could tell very well the difference between the real world and the imaginary world, Girouard replied that there was no difference at the time.

Me Godin reminded Girouard that he had planned the attack, ordering the katana on the Internet, paying customs and delivery fees.

Carl from the mission told me to do itassurance of the young man.

You control the mission, the mission does not control youfound the lawyer for prosecution.

The man who killed two people insisted that he could not answer: I had to put myself in Carl Girouard’s leader of the mission. How can I do this?

news site

Prior to the attacks, Girouard consulted news sites.

You check the news, it’s because it’s your best time or for your alter egosGodin asked Me.

That’s a good question, I can’t remember everything, and whyGirouard’s simple answer.

According to his plan, Carl Girouard will die at the end of his mission to show his bravery.

And before acting, he needs to be in a ritual burn his family.

You didn’t burn your family and you didn’t die. The two things that didn’t happen are about you and your family.launched Me Godin.

After hesitation, Girouard replied in the affirmative.

That was my last questionthe prosecutor finished before sitting down.

good prisoner

After Girouard’s testimony, the defense called an employee of the Quebec Detention Facility.

Sandy Lapointe, director of professional prison services in Quebec, narrated the prison careers of the defendants.

If he was in the beginning nervous, anxious and suspicious his behavior changed after a stay in a prison in the Montreal region.

He was taken there in April 2021 to meet with Doctor Chamberland for a psychiatric assessment.

According to Ms. Lapointe, Girouard returned transformed.

She gained weight and looked better he says, in addition to changing his attitude.

He was then involved in the infirmary department, where he was confined.

Girouard covers a post of captain thus assuming some responsibility for his group of prisoners.

Carl Girouard has had no disciplinary report since the beginning of his incarceration.


As the fourth and final witness, Girouard’s lawyer Me Pierre Gagnon called Doctor Gilles Chamberland to the bar.

The psychiatrist assessed the accused to show evidence of non -criminal liability due to the mental disorder.

Doctor Chamberland has not yet entered into his assessment of Girouard’s case.

He narrated his university career on Thursday and taught jurors the specifics of a forensic psychiatrist’s work.

Gilles Chamberland will share with the jury his observations and conclusions on the state of Girouard at the time of the homicides, Friday morning.

Source: Radio-Canada

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