Potential evacuation alert in Carmacks, Yukon

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Several homes that use the services of the Carmacks Wastewater Treatment Plant in the Yukon are on evacuation alerts due to the flooding of the Yukon River.

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The factory could soon be flooded, which will force the evacuation of the houses in question, confirms the mayor of the village, Lee Bodie.

There could be an evacuation order issued in the next few dayshe confirms. I don’t want to scare anyone, but just warn the people of the village that [l’évacuation] could happen in the next few days if there is a flood.

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The stress of having to evacuate quickly

In addition to the sewage treatment plant, several homes could also be flooded.

This is the case of the house of Nina Dickson. It’s a bit stressfulsays the latter. I have a 2 year old and a one week old newborn. So it’s stressful having to get ready to leave and live in my mom’s trailer for a few weeks.

Firefighters helped build a sandbag dike around his home this weekend.

An evacuation alert is intended to warn residents of an area that they may have to quickly evacuate their residence.

Residents of Carmacks and the surrounding First Nation are also asked to limit their water consumption. Those who get their water from a well must boil their water before consuming it.

With information from Jackie Hong

Radio Canada

Source: Radio-Canada


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