The MMF launches an independent investigation into retired priest Arthur Massé

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According to a news release on Wednesday, the Manitoba Metis Federation plans to lead its own investigation into retired priest André Massé, arrested as part of an RCMP investigation into alleged assaults.

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To date, no allegation or charge against Arthur Massé has been proven in court.

The MMF hopes to begin the discussion process with those who knew the retired priest as soon as possible.

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According to the president of the Manitoba Metis Federation, David Chartrand, retired priest Arthur Massé spent about 20 years in the villages of Duck Bay and of Campervillein western Manitoba.

Our independent investigators will be mandated to speak directly with those who have interacted with him in our communities, in order to understand the full scope of Mr. Massé’s relationship with our residents, including any incidents that should have been brought to attention. authorities.

A quote from David Chartrand, President of the Manitoba Metis Federation

Arthur Massé, 92, was released on conditions last week and is due to appear in court in power view on July 20, 2022 for the charge of indecent assault.

The investigation carried out by the RCMP concerning a sexual assault of a 10-year-old girl at the Fort Alexander residential school, northeast of Winnipeg in the late 1960s, lasted 10 years.

The RCMP did not identify that person, but Victoria MacIntosh, now 63, said she was the 10-year-old girl who was assaulted by Arthur Massé.

Since he was charged, at least two other women have come forward with allegations of abuse by the same priest.

With information from Caitlyn Gowriluk

Radio Canada

Source: Radio-Canada


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