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Quebec is investing $ 140 million in a strategy to advance school staff

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Quebec’s Minister of Education, Jean-François Roberge, on Tuesday launched the Strategy to advance school staff 2022-2026.

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This approach was accompanied by an envelope worth nearly 140 million dollars, he indicated at a press briefing at the École de la Ribambelle, in Quebec.

Of this amount, $ 21 million is allocated to a pilot project that provides for the hiring of two teaching assistants in each of the 100 target elementary schools, in the next school year.

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The class help support teachers by conducting non -teaching activities.

This is to do everything that will facilitate the work of our teachers. […] To our young children, it is […] wear boots in the winter, […] make sure everything is ready on time.

A quote from Jean-François Roberge, Minister of Education of Quebec

Ultimately, the government wants to extend this project to about 2,300 primary schools in the province.

In addition, $ 64 million is allocated to professional staff development, of which $ 18.9 million will be used to better support trainee teachers.

A total of $ 43.6 million is also planned to support local actions to advance school personnel.

When we talk about all the school staff, that’s 270,000 people in Quebec. […] Saying thank you is good, but it’s not enoughsaid Minister Roberte.

It is time that maybe we, as a society, we, as a government, take care of those who take care of our students.

A quote from Jean-François Roberge, Minister of Education of Quebec

To develop this Strategy, which is divided into 16 actions, the Ministère de l’Éducation has consulted with unions, professional laws, management associations, as well as with parent committees, in particular .

In a press release published on Tuesday, the Centrale des unions du Québec (CSQ) said it welcomes the announcement. rather favorable.

We will need to see in the circles how to spread the actions, because there are many words, but little concrete for the moment.said the President of CSQEric Gingras.

That said, the start of classroom support pilot projects is in its own very good news.

A quote from Éric Gingras, President of the Central Trade Unions of Quebec

Classroom aids will make it possible to meet the needs of teachers and students, in addition to providing the opportunity for support staff to use their expertise and qualifications, depending on CSQ.

The union represents nearly 200,000 members, of which approximately 125,000 are education personnel.

Source: Radio-Canada

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