A “arrogant” government, “isolated from the population”, that “thinks itself above the law”, that “incites resignation”: the unsatisfactory qualifications of the opposition parties are not lacking , in Quebec, to qualify not only for the results of last year’s Legault government, but also for the full mandate of the CAQ, on the eve of the start of the next election.
The exercise is well known, of course, but its progress this year has a good number of differences compared to previous reports.
First, two of the three opposition party leaders-Paul St-Pierre-Plamondon, of the Parti Québécois (PQ), and Dominique Anglade, of the Liberal Party of Québec-are in their first election campaign this fall.
Then, these same leaders would have to oversee the removal of a large number of pillars of their respective political formations.
Despite everything, the two leaders were confident on Friday when they considered their political actions to close the parliamentary session. They also targeted François Legault and his government.
For Dominique Anglade, the CAQ government is marked by pride and division.
” Pride puts partisan interests before Quebecers. The arrogance of not listening to experts, to the opposition, or to people who don’t think like caquists. The arrogance that thinks itself beyond the law. “
Still according to the Liberal leader, the Legault government has systematically denied the issues that affect Quebecers on a daily basis, in particular economic poverty, the lack of family doctors and daycare areas, the lack of manpower and environmental problems.
In fact, Ms. does not hide it. Anglade: his goal is to win the next general election, which will take place on October 3rd. We are aiming for at least 63 seatshe repeated several times, the lowest to win the majority.
The election was not playedclaimed by PQ
For his part, Paul St-Pierre-Plamondon insisted that rumors of the loss of Lévesque and Parizeau’s party were unfounded.
According to him, the question of Quebec’s independence has also returned to the National Assembly, including in the immigration file.
On this question, but also about the French language, says Mr. St-Pierre-Plamondon, the PQ pushed the CAQ. of wiring
Also in pre-election mode, the PQ leader kept that up The CAQ. openly inviting Quebecers in a way of resignation, but also in a kind of dishonesty and transparency into the true beliefs of the people about the future of Quebec
Parti Québécois candidates will face off so in the next election: honest, convinced, and always capable of giving Quebecers the truthHe added.
Mr. St-Pierre-Plamondon also plays, like his Liberal counterpart, the environmental card. But add that QP
is the party of separatists, French lovers, lovers of our children, he says.” We are there, whole, listen to what we have to say, look at the solutions we present. “
He also has a request for political columnists: stop relying solely on polls, and become more interested in ideas. I dare to hope that politics is still used to dream better, to planhe launched.
Radio Canada
Source: Radio-Canada