Jolin-Barrette invites France to face the “Anglo-American steamroller”

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The Quebec Minister for the French Language, Simon Jolin-Barrette, came on Thursday to “reach out” to the French Academy, in Paris, facing the “Anglo-American steamroller”.

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Minister Jolin-Barrette had been invited to speak under the famous dome of the Quai de Conti in front of an audience of academicians and 150 guests who had come to learn what the new version of the Charter of the French language, adopted in 1977, is made of. and reviewed by his government this year.

After recalling the historical journey of the French in America, from François 1er to the present day, Mr. Jolin-Barrette explained why his government had insisted on updating the law 101.

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In Quebec, English has become lingua franca, he said, according to the written text of his speech. Once the language of the powerful colonial minority, it has become that of globalization.

We would be wrong to see in the massive movement towards English a trivial phenomenon. It is presented to us as an opening to the world, brushing aside all objections.

A quote from Simon Jolin-Barrette, Quebec Minister for the French Language

The massive choice of English is not immune to criticism, a fortiori when it is less about the language of Shakespeare than that of Silicon Valley. What is presented as an openness to the world too often masks acculturation, which comes with a significant loss of memory and identity.

The very first Minister of the French Language in the history of Quebec felt that the GAFAM’s digital revolution is an Anglo-American steamroller, which is shaking up the ecosystem of our language and our culture […] promotes large groups and compromises the balance of our societies.

Nothing would be more natural for France, in this new world, to be the spokesperson for the diversity of cultures and the dignity of nations.underlined Mr. Jolin-Barrette.

Quebec is reaching out to you. It invites you to a union of forces between our two nations, based on the certainty that French is not a cause of the past, but a leaven for the future. An engine of resistance and rebirth.

A quote from Simon Jolin-Barrette, Quebec Minister for the French Language

The minister launched a few spades at the federal system, where individual rights have become almost absoluteand he maintained that the reform adopted this year, this gesture in favor of the collective rights of our nation, constitutes a decisive counterweight.

Since its adoption, the draft Charter of the French language has come up against the constitutional framework of the Canadian federation, which I propose here to rename, not without humour, the “Canadian Shield”.

A quote from Simon Jolin-Barrette, Quebec Minister for the French Language

Although our project is thwarted by Canadian multiculturalism, which finds an equivalent in what you call communitarianism and which combats the claims of Quebec to constitute itself as a distinct nation, the French language must really become the language of use of all Quebecerssupports the minister in the written version of his speech.

The Minister also deplored the bilingualization of certain sectors in Quebec. A person can obtain, on request, public services in French or in English, exactly like self-service in a business. […] To counter this worrying phenomenon, we must rehabilitate as soon as possible the exemplarity of the State. We have a duty to pose as a coherent player.

Integration of immigrants

With regard to the integration of immigrants, he also explained to his audience that the continental and global linguistic dynamic favors English in every wayand that French should be a language of integration, a principle of unity and a valuable vector of participation in our democratic life.

He also lamented that, recently, defamatory articles against Quebec have been published with too much complacency in American and English-Canadian newspapers.

Lax authors depict our fight from the most denigrating and insulting angle, trying to pass it off as a rearguard fight, a form of authoritarianism, the minister believes. Our fight for the French language is just, it is a universal fight, that of a nation which has peacefully resisted the will to power of the strongest.

It is exceptional for an elected official who is neither head of government nor head of state to be invited to address the members of the assembly which brings together the elite of French-speaking literature. The French Academy was founded in 1634 and has 40 members, including the Quebec writer of Haitian origin Dany Laferrière.

Introducing the Minister, Xavier Darcos, Chancellor of the Institut de France, said: You are therefore going to give us an example of fidelity and an example of ardor.

We will no doubt be able to draw inspiration from it in our desire to promote, enhance and protect our language, this heritage that we have in common.

Hélène Carrère d’Encausse, permanent secretary of the Academy, deplored that the French language, revered in Quebecthat is mistreated in her native land, sweet France.

The descendants of Jacques Cartier are entitled to our gratitudedid she say.

During his brief mission of a few days in France, Minister Jolin-Barrette also plans meetings as Minister of Justice.

The Canadian Press

Source: Radio-Canada


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