National Assembly: why the point of order is the star of this beginning of the legislature

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The deputies used this well-known resource of the truck drivers of Parliament to rebuke the presidential coalition but also their political opponents. “Newcomers learn quickly,” says a hard-working parliamentarian.

Don’t miss a thing. The deputies have multiplied the questions of order in the last days in the hemicycle in the heat of examination of the project of law of the purchasing power. In a very flammable political context, between the presidential coalition under pressure and the confrontation between RN and Nupes to embody the opposition, the maneuver allows scoring points.

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Governed by article 58 of the Regulations of the National Assembly, the recall allows a deputy to speak for two minutes on a topic related to its application and the development of the session. It is also always a priority and therefore suspends the current discussion, allowing MPs to show their discontent.

Reminders to stage your discontent with the majority

Example with the deputy RN Jean-Philippe Tanguy elected on July 19 who used this tool against the rapporteur of the text Charlotte Parmentier-Lecocq in the middle of a debate on the distribution of profits in companies.

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“I could have made a point of order for the failure to listen to Thomas Ménagé (another note from the deputy editor of RN), but I will make a point of order for lack of jurisdiction. You are lucky to be able to benefit from the help of an officer of the Assembly thanks to article 56 paragraph 3”, he threw a microphone in his left hand, and the regulations of the Assembly in the one on the right this Tuesday.

“It allows you to answer all questions, even when you are not competent,” continues this former close friend of Nicolas Dupont-Aignan.

Go on vacation with payment

Before being taken up by the deputy LR Thibault Bazin calling him to “respect the functions of the National Assembly” and then by the rapporteur herself, denouncing his “goujaterie”.

“Newcomers are fast learners! They are always advised to go on vacation with the National Assembly bylaws when they have just been elected. Walking to Parliament with

A rule for reporting “insults”

Rule Reminders also allow you to resolve disputes cheaply, such as between the RN and the Rebels.

“Of course we know the strategy of the extreme right that acts like the bat in the fable. At the bird festival he shows his wings. At the fachos party he shows his hair, ”denounced the LFI deputy. for Hauts-de-Seine Aurélien Saintoul, at the microphone of the Assembly this Thursday.

This parody of “The Bat and the Two Weasels” by Jean de La Fontaine scandalized the RN deputies, who shouted it out.

As soon as the expression “fascist party” was uttered, Jean-Philippe Tanguy brandished the rules, denouncing “insults”. Hélène Laporte, president of the session and RN-elect, also called the left-wing elected official to order.

“Don’t you know La Fontaine?” Then Aurélien Saintoul pretended to be surprised. “I did not insult them, I characterized them,” he added, to the attention of the deputies of the National Association.

If the points of order continue to be great classics of parliamentary life, they should be multiplied in a highly fragmented Assembly.

Author: Mary Pierre Bourgeois
Source: BFM TV

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