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Repression at the gymnastics camp: arrest the head of the operation and the policeman who shot the TyC Sports cameraman

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The judge investigating the death of César Regueiro, the Gimnasia fan who died during the police repression outside the stadium where the suspended match against Boca was played, ordered the arrest of the head of the operation and the officer on Saturday who fired at close range at TyC Sports cameraman Fernando Rivero.

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They are Juan Manuel Gorbarán, 47, and Nahuel Falcón, 36, who had already been separated from the Buenos Aires police by order of the provincial governor Axel Kicillof.

Gorbarán was charged under the figure of “intentional devastation followed by death”while it is for the accusation against Falcón “qualifying injuries” for the three rubber bullets that hit the press officer.

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Falcón’s deprivation of liberty has a direct argument: justice should only identify the author of the shot that wounded the TyC cameraman, because – for the prosecution – it was clear that there was a excessive use of force by the police officer who fired several shots at a man clearly identified as a press officer.

The arrests were authorized by the judge of guarantees Agustín Crispo, giving an orientation of the line that takes the accusation, since they took place on the same day that the prosecutor in charge of the investigation, Martín Almirón, excluded the figure of the murder, after the results of the autopsy.

The cover could change on Tuesday, when the results of other tests carried out by Federal Police personnel will be ready, including photos and videos, as well as 400 rubber bullets cartridges.

Prosecutor Almirón tries to reconstruct how the operation was organized and why it led to the tragedy. On that trip, and with the evidence gathered in the first 24 hours of the investigation, he determined that Gorbarán could be responsible, through negligence or incompetence, for the acts that contributed to Lolo Regueira’s death.

A priori, it’s not murder

Although the autopsy revealed that the Gimnasia fan died of a “non-traumatic” cardiorespiratory arrest (ie not due to a violent cause), Almirón believes that the person responsible for the operation would be criminally responsible for that death. For this reason he is accused of the crime of “intentional destruction followed by death”.

The figure is associated with the main cover, which is “investigation into the causes of death,” sources at the La Plata Criminal Court told Clarín. Almirón tries to unveil the causes of that death and the organization of the operation, which ended in chaos, would be one, at least in this phase of the process “, clarified the sources.

“The autopsy indicates that Regueiro’s death was produced by a non-violent mechanism and as a final result of a non-traumatic cardiorespiratory arrest,” Almirón explained to the Télam agency.

“This does not remove responsibility of another kind, nor does it mean that the police acted well, but the cause of death was cardiac arrest”, clarified the lawyer, who based his argument on the outcome of the autopsy carried out by the expert. doctor of the judiciary of the morgue of Lomas de Zamora, César Adrián Rodríguez Package.

The cardiorespiratory arrest occurred in the midst of the police repression that took place in the forest stadium of the capital Buenos Aires, when Gimnasia faced Boca in its stadium. The rest of the skills and testimonies – including that of a firefighter who was unable to complete the resuscitation work due to the intervention of the police – could provide the elements to consider the figure of the murder. .

Report Fabian Debesa

Source: Clarin

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