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Another NBA scandal: Brooklyn Nets suspended Kyrie Irving after promoting anti-Semitic movie

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What started with a “simple” posting on their Twitter account where they are followed by four and a half million users ended up meaning Kyrie Irving a suspension of Brooklyn networksyour team in NBAwithout salary.

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The basketball player posted an Amazon link to the film on the social network “Jews to Blacks: Wake Up Black America” ​​(2018)a film based on a book of the same title released in 2015 that includes multiple anti-Semitic claims such as “many famous Jews have admitted to praying to Satan or Lucifer”.

After trying to get Irving to apologize publicly, Brooklyn Nets announced player suspension “for at least five games”. The causes? Promote the anti-Semitic film and subsequently refuse to apologize for it “clearly and emphatically”.

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In a statement, the franchise indicated that it has done so in recent days “repeated attempts” for working with Irving so that “understood the harm and danger of his words and actions”.

“We were appalled that today, when given a media opportunity, Kyrie refused to say unequivocally that he has no anti-Semitic beliefs and that he hasn’t even recognized the particularly hateful material in the film. This wasn’t the first time he had the opportunity – and wasted – to clarify, “added the club.

The Nets have assured that such behavior “goes against the values” of the franchise and pointed out that Irving, at this time, is unable to be associated with the group. He has had other controversies in the past, such as his refusal to apply the vaccine that prevents coronavirus.

“We have decided that Kyrie will serve a disqualification without pay until she has completed a series of objective and corrective measures that will address the harmful impact of her conduct and the suspension period will be no less than five games,” the Nets closed.

Irving’s promotion of the film was not only questioned by his employers, but also harshly criticized by the NBA and the league’s players union.

On Saturday, Irving assured him “the anti-Semitic label” that he is given “does not reflect reality” and that he did not want to disrespect any religious faith.

“I am an ‘omnist’ and I did not want to disrespect anyone’s religious faith. The ‘anti-Semitic’ label I am given is not justified and does not reflect the reality in which I live on a daily basis. I accept and want to learn from everyone.” the paths of life and religions, “he wrote on his Twitter account.

The player, however, met shortly after at a press conference with a journalist who asked him the reasons for that promotion. “Don’t dehumanize me. I’m a human being, I can write whatever I want (on social networks), so say it and shut up so we can move on to the next question,” he said arrogantly.

The apologies that weren’t enough

“I oppose all forms of hatred and oppression,” the point guard said before addressing the controversy that sparked his recommendation for the film.

“I am aware of the negative impact my publication has had on the Jewish community and I take responsibility for it. I do not believe that everything that is said in the documentary is true or reflects my morals and principles (…). I he did not want to harm any group, race or religion, “he added.

However, NBA commissioner Adam Silver felt that Irving had not explicitly apologized. “Kyrie Irving made the ill-advised decision to post a link (on Twitter) to a film that contains deeply offensive and anti-Semitic material,” said Silver.

Meanwhile, it has been learned that Irving and the Nets will each donate half a million dollars to “causes and organizations working to eradicate hatred and intolerance.”

“While we appreciate the fact that he has agreed to partner with the Brooklyn Nets and the Anti-Defamation League to fight anti-Semitism and other forms of discrimination, I am disappointed that he has not offered an unreserved apology and, more specifically, that he has not he denounced the vile content and the harmful aspect of the film he chose to promote, “he added.

Source: Clarin

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