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Claudio Tapia brought the World Cup to Mar del Plata and shared it with Luis Barrionuevo: “Oh, how much it weighs”

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Claudio Tapia, president of the Argentine Football Federation, brought the World Cup to Mar del Plata and shared it with Luis Barrionuevohead of the Tourism, Hotel and Gastronomy Workers’ Union (UTHGRA).

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Before the start of each World Cup, the trophy that FIFA presents to the champion every four years goes around the world under the wing of one of its main sponsors. After the consecration of Argentina in Qatar 2022, the replica remaining at the AFA has embarked on its own path within the country.

Mar del Plata is the current scale. The accommodation was the Hotel UTHGRA Sasso, belonging to the union led by Luis Barrionuevo.

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La Feliz was even more so in the hall of the complex, at least in those square meters, amid applause, flags and Argentine shirts, when the head of Argentine football emulated the delivery of the trophy to the former president of Chacarita.

“Wow how much does this weigh”, exclaimed the former Senator of the Nation. It’s that he’s not one of the Argentines who, as Diego Maradona said, knows how much he weighs.

He claimed the cup in his hands, lifted it more comfortably, and watched obsessively as Tapia leaned over to give the union leader a kiss and an unsuccessful hug.

Additionally, both leaders shared an event at Punta Mogotes Spa 14 where the Cup was presented to sandblasted locals and tourists.

The moment has become chaotic, like the Olympic round at the Lusail stadium, or like the caravan after the team’s arrival in Buenos Aires from Qatar.

The replica of the one that can only be touched by whoever won it was held in the hand and caressed by any passerby who approached, something similar to what happened during the post-penalty celebrations with France on the Lusail field.

Amidst the uproar, Tapia had time to confirm Lionel Scaloni’s continuation as manager and two friendlies in Buenos Aires in March.

But he also expressed his desire for the trophy tour to actually be as federal as possible.

“It is a huge joy to have been able to take it to Mar del Plata and the reality is that I would like to take it to all the cities of the country so that all Argentines can, even if only for a few minutes, see it up close and take a picture,” he said. said.

A couple of days ago, the head of the AFA had brought the Cup to the Basilica of Luján. Earlier he had taken her to San Juan, to the sanctuary of the Difunta Correa, where he was seen accompanied by Governor Sergio Uñac.

Tapia was also the son-in-law of the head of the truckers’ union and former head of Independiente, Hugo Moyano.

Meanwhile, national politics, the party in power in particular, is the one that was left without the photo, even when the doors of the plane carrying the players opened and Wado De Pedro was the one waiting near and at the foot of the plane. From the Casa Rosada they put pressure on Antoine Griezmann, like the midfielders of the final, to be received by the president, Alberto Fernández, at the Casa Rosada, but it all ended in controversy for the failed operation.

The vernacular tour of the Cup anticipates what will be the global one organized by FIFA, when United States-Mexico-Canada 2026 is around the corner.


Source: Clarin

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