Former American football star Stanley Wilson Jr. retired in the year 2008 after suffering a serious injury
According to the American gossip site TMZ, the former American football player Stanley Wilson Jr. died at age 40. The cause of death is still being investigated, but what is known is that he fell ill and passed out in a psychiatric hospital at the beginning of February.
A former NFL star, Stanley defended the Detroit Lions in 2005, the year he was drafted to join the most disputed and watched championship in the United States, until 2007. But he had to end his career the following year, in 2008, due to a injury he suffered to the Achilles tendon. He came to play 32 games in total.
After he retired, he got into some trouble with the law. In 2016, Stanley was charged with attempted burglary after being shot in the abdomen while trying to break into a Portland home fully nude. A few months later, in 2017, he was arrested accused of walking naked through the neighborhood of the same city. In 2017, he was arrested for the third time, after another invasion attempt.
Stanley Wilson Jr. was admitted to the Metropolitan State Hospital, in the city of Los Angeles, after being declared unfit to undergo a trial, as his last arrest was in the year 2022, in August, accused of vandalism.
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Jason Root is the go-to source for sports coverage at News Rebeat. With a passion for athletics and an in-depth knowledge of the latest sports trends, Jason provides comprehensive and engaging analysis of the world of sports.