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Sports betting scandal in Salita: Archer says coach ‘offered him dollars’ and now threatens to reveal his identity

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A new scandal related to sport bets shake the The rise of Argentine football. Javier Balbuenagoalkeeper of Puerto Nuevo in Prima C, denounced that a former coach of a big club in the South Zone had “dollars offered” so that it “pulls back”.

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The 31-year-old footballer, who has played for Yupanqui, Muñiz, Alem and Centro Español, uploaded an image to his Instagram account in which he is seen with his teammates, celebrating last weekend’s victory against Leandro N Alem , which represented the first victory in the first five races of the championship.

In that photo he took the opportunity to release the statement: “I’m not someone who talks, anyone who knows me knows how I am. But I dedicate this victory to that person who called me yesterday and was in betting. The worst is He was manager of a big Southzone team, He offered me dollars to take me backcontinue above direct abroad.

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A goalkeeper of

An Ascent goalkeeper denounced the former manager of a big club in the South Zone: ‘He offered me dollars to back out’

And he attacks: “It’s incredible that a current technical director deals with betting and offers it to the players”.

“Yesterday I reserved the answer when you offered it to me, but I will answer you here. We will be a humble team, with flaws like all Ascents, but I would never accept anything that hurts the club I love so much, in which I feel like an extra fan. We will leave the Puerto Nuevo name very high,” she continued.

Finally, he threatened to reveal his identity if he contacted him or another player of the club: “I advise you not don’t call any of my people anymore because if I throw your name and surname there. Let’s go to the damn port. God is faithful.”

El Porvenir and a history of sports betting on the Ascent

A similar situation was experienced in the rise of Argentine football at the end of March 2022, when the president of the FutureEnrique Merelas, has fired and denounced players from his own club for having rigged the result of at least one official match.

“I am very ashamed to have to say it, I am very sad. What happened to El Porvenir with clandestine betting is to be investigated in other institutes of the category. I’ve already reported the case, I need to be covered, because this is a very serious matter,” Merelas told the site Deposit.

Diego Córdoba, the goalkeeper who confessed to the deal that the players of El Porvenir had made.

Diego Córdoba, the goalkeeper who confessed to the deal that the players of El Porvenir had made.

Furthermore, he said: “When I saw that the situation was a scandal, I started to investigate. I have been a leader for many years and the truth is that this had never happened to me. To one of the guys they offered him a huge sum of money to take a penalty and three corners. This is all bullshit. There are eight players involved and they will obviously not play for the club again.”

“Goalkeeper Diego Córdoba told us so his teammates had offered him money for him to score goals and also for corner kicks. There is talk of 100,000 pesos, even if there are those who have only received 12,000 pesos,” added Pareti.

One of the eight players involved would be the link between the squad and the illegal bets. He has been identified, according to Pareti. According to club reports, he told the players what they had to do and how much they would get if they complied with instructions.

Source: Clarin

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