After the violent incident that took place on Sunday morning Luis Miguel Rodriguez with his vehicle it was confirmed that the player is still “lucid” and will be operated on Wednesday. He would be away from the field for at least three weeks. According to the latest medical report, released this afternoon, the crack of the Central Córdoba in Santiago del Estero presents “a multiple trauma, with maxillofacial trauma, without compromising the central nervous system and chest trauma without relevant injuries”.
Rodríguez is currently in the 9 de Julio sanatorium, located in the Tucuman capital, where he was transferred yesterday afternoon. There “several studies and medical control procedures have been carried out, evolving with stability in all its clinical parameters”.
“He is currently lucid, under continuous monitoring by the medical team, in the company of his family and in the plan for surgical resolution of maxillofacial traumawhich will be defined in the next few hours by a multidisciplinary team”, added the doctors.
As for the operation, it was learned that the player will be operated on by doctor Manuel Usandivaras, who will take care of the surgery, he specified that Simoqueño will not have neurological problems. “What he has is a Lefort fracture, which affects the upper jaw area and requires surgery.”
The surgery will be performed with a titanium plate and would take more than two hours. “It will not affect your professional development and the recovery time will depend a lot on the evolution of the patient, but it will not be less than three weeks.“, closed Dr. Usandivaras.
The incident The incident occurred near the city of La Madrid, in Tucumán, at the intersection of streets 157 and 308, when the Simoqueño was returning home after the match in which the “railman” defeated the Instituto de Córdoba, for the Professional League.
In the last few hours, La Pulce has received visits from many former teammates and friends, such as: Ricardo Rodríguez (former Atlético coach), César Montiglio and Guillermo Acosta. Another of those who spent Monday afternoon with Simoqueño was Sebastián Longo; the former midfielder arrived around 5.30pm and left nearly an hour later. “He doesn’t remember what happened, but I saw it very well. He was in a good mood and he told me that they will operate on him », remarks Longo, one of the first to visit him at the 9 de Julio sanatorium.
His mother “Bety” was serene, she appreciated the expressions of affection she received after her son’s accident, even if she preferred not to make any statements. She just pointed out that her son is “evolving” and she hopes this “nightmare” will pass soon.
Source: Clarin

Jason Root is the go-to source for sports coverage at News Rebeat. With a passion for athletics and an in-depth knowledge of the latest sports trends, Jason provides comprehensive and engaging analysis of the world of sports.