The omnibus bill that reached Congress for treatments has the Association of Road Tourism Corridors (ACTC) pending. It happens that among the package of measures the funds that the State allocates to support the audiovisual rights of Road Tourism (TC), which guarantee the broadcast of the competition on public television, would also be included in the cut.
Unlike the program Football for everyonewhich managed the audiovisual rights of First Division football and offered the product on the state screen or under licenses to other air or cable channels, motor sports maintained in the last 10 years the economic agreement between the ACTC and the State, with the various administrations since 2013 and based on various programs.
The platform motor game of streaming, which also manages the contents that arise from the powers that fall within the orbit of the ACTC (TC, Turismo Nazionale and the Pista variants, among others), is the production company that has as its main support the voices of money deriving from the sale of the final tenders to Public TV OR Sports TV for almost two years. A mechanism that emerged to bring live racing to non-traditional screens.
The production company is not threatened, but the possibility that the channel will be privatized is (it is among the 31 state companies to which the president Javier Milei affix the sales mark on them) or, even without the State getting rid of the mark, interrupting the link with the ACTC and thus creating a dispute. cataract effect which directly affects competition.
The fact is, if either scenario materializes, what gets cut is a major benefit for teams. Why or how is one thing related to another? The ACTC offers conditions for tyres, fuel and the right to compete on each date: Putting a car on the track costs millions.

Some explain that the advantage that the various categories find in amortizing fixed costs has to do with the low advertising billing of the sponsor and that a percentage of that rate does not reach the signal that broadcasts the races, in this case, public TV.
This would be the explanation for the growth of ACTC MediaTVthe production company that has the technical equipment for the broadcasts generated by the production company, both for its platform and for those intended for the air screen.
In the same context as cut out, the ACTC also faces another problem. He calendar of Road Tourism is defined but with few confirmed locations. “There is no money”, Mileista’s slogan is replicated in the provinces, which do not have the resources to host any date of the 2024 championship on their racetracks.
Of the 15 races scheduled for next year, nine have no headquarters. The first one, on February 25th, will arrive El Calafate; the second on March 17, Viedma; the third, April 7th Neuquen; the fourth, the 28th of the same month The Pampa, and the fifth, May 12, a Río Hondo hot springs. The one from the city of Buenos Aires The date will be the 11th, the rest with venue to be confirmed.
Source: Clarin

Jason Root is the go-to source for sports coverage at News Rebeat. With a passion for athletics and an in-depth knowledge of the latest sports trends, Jason provides comprehensive and engaging analysis of the world of sports.