Moyano will remain president and Doman’s list was excluded from the elections after a court ruling.
The red inner one is a boiler. Judge Pablo Krawiec Krawczuk, head of civil court number 3, rejected the amparos presented by Cristian Ritondo, Fabián Doman and Juan Ignacio Marconi on Thursday. His list had been challenged by the electoral commission before the elections, which should have been held last December.
Opposition leaders have already assured that they will appeal the decision. In the meantime, Hugo Moyano will remain in office as president and there is no possible horizon for the conduct of the elections.
“The judge’s ruling in favor of Hugo Moyano is foreseeable, confirming the ban on the Traditional Independent group being able to stand for election. LET’S GO TO APPEAL. We always knew that this judge would rule in favor of the club’s ruling party: I rejected the injunction in December, “wrote Doman on his Twitter account.
And he expanded: «He tried at the last moment to hold the elections without us and did not dare to ask for a conciliation between the parties from January to here. That’s why I refused it. Furthermore, it took six eses in a predictable sentence that could have been handed down in February. Now begins the path of the appeal to the Chamber. We will not stand by and watch. Because we know that another Independent is possible ”.
The meeting held informally between the parties was unsuccessful, as there was no agreement to close the crack.
Meanwhile, the Independiente tries to rearm and seeks reinforcements. A dream of Eduardo Domínguez is Lucas Biglia, who knew how to wear the red jersey. It doesn’t seem easy. On Saturday he will face San Lorenzo.
Source: Clarin