SIC celebrated in the San Isidro classic against CASI. Photo: Scrum ESPN.
Club San Isidro (SIC) won 25 to 23 Atletico San Isidro (CASI) in a new version of the traditional classic of San Isidro, a match that was played as part of the eleventh round of the Top13 organized by the Buenos Aires Rugby Union (URBA).
For this duel, CASI wore a new alternative jersey, in homage to the club’s 120th anniversary. It was a striped version in red and green, a replica of the one used for the first time in 1907.
The classic was played at the “Cathedral” of rugby in Buenos Aires, the CASI field, and was controlled by referee Tomás Bertazza.
The accident this afternoon was the 134th. edition of a rivalry that shows ALMOST supremacy with 69 wins against 54 and 11 draws.
The last confrontation between the two dates back to 11 September, when the SIC, as a local, beats CASI 41-15. In the classic games on the CASI field, the local team gets 34 wins, SIC 21 and 7 draws.
Source: Clarin