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FIFA has adopted five match exchanges

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Five changes per team and per match instead of three were “definitely verified” by the International Board (IFAB), guarantor of soccer laws, on Monday in Doha, Qatar, but semi-automatic offside detection will await.

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Evaluation of this technology so far very satisfactory sige at our experts will review it before deciding whether we will use it in the World Cup or notsaid Gianni Infantino, president of FIFA, the governing body of football in the world, at the conclusion of the 136th annual general meeting of IFAB.

Pierluigi Collina, Chairman of the FIFA Referees Committee, told him trust when used in the tournament in Qatar from November 21 to December 18.

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This optical tracking system in support of video refereeing (VAR), which will be tested at the Arab Cup in late 2021 and then at the Club World Cup in early 2022, should make it possible to expedite referee decision -making.

It relies on cameras used for television broadcasting as well as specific cameras and provides the exact position of the players on the field, giving referees accurate information within seconds.

Once the decision has been made, this AI -based technology will 3D animate the footage that can be displayed on the large screen of pitches.

Adaptation to COVID

The resumption on July 1 of the increase from three to five changes per match in all competitions organized by FIFA responded to the liking of the actors of the gameexplained Patrick Nelson, the head of the Irish Federation, which is represented within IFAB in the same way as the English, Scottish, Welsh and FIFA federations.

This amendment to law 3 football, which provides a maximum of three substitutes per match, was decided by IFAB in May 2020, in the context of the pandemic, and will run until the end of 2021 for club competitions and until July 31, 2022 for international meeting.

The measure is extended until December 31, 2022 after a global review of the current impact of Covid-19 on football. In October 2021, the guardian of the rules of the game left the choice in each competition to use five changes or not, the English Premier League having long been stubborn.

IFAB members also decided to increase the maximum number of replacements on the match sheet from 12 to 15 at the discretion of the competition organizersis it specified in a press release.

This makes way for lists of 26 players, and no longer 23, for the next World Cup in Qatar, a request of many coaches.

Tests on specific changes in concussions have been extended until August 2023 to collect enough data to make a valid scientific decisionthe small number of incidents that have not yet allowed a reliable conclusion to be drawn.

The guarantor of football laws is also looking at growing violence against referees in amateur football, considering the wear of cameras by officials during adult matches.

Lack of respect for referees and their safety have been identified as global issuesIFAB said in its press release.

France Media Agency

Source: Radio-Canada


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